St Johnston and Carrigans Donegal



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From Derry Journal Friday June 4th 1976 Kildrum Tigers Presentations

Mr David Rankin presenting awards to the club's players in the Inisowen League.  Player of the Year Mr Finbarr Mc Crossan is seen receiving his award with, from left, Colm McNulty (Most Dedicated Player), James Grant, team manager, John McHugh (Most Improved Player) and William Houston (Most Promising Young Player).

The Club Chairman., Mr George Friel, presenting mementos to two young club members who were selected on the Donegal under-14 boys team during the year.  Hugh O Donnell (left) and Eunan McNulty.  Also in photograph are, from left, Hugh Dillon and Joe Coll who were joint winners of Clubman of the Year award.  Brendan Coll secretary of Kildrum Tigers FC, Mr Bobby Toland and Mr Patsy O Donnell who received Hall of Fame Awards.

Mr David Rankin, St Johnston, presents awards to club members in the Donegal League competitions.  Receiving the Club Player of the Year award is Patsy O Donnell with, from left, Harold Vance (Top Goal Scorer), Stuart Tinney (Most Improved Player) Michael McDaid, team manager of the Donegal League Team, Michael Golden (Player of the Year), and Hugh McNulty (Most Improved Player).

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