St Johnston and Carrigans Donegal



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St Johnston & Carrigans Newsletter Local Gossip July 1999 Vol 1 Issue 1


Inside This Issue
P1· Work on Resource Centre Begins
P2 · Tai Chi, so what exactly is it then?
· Lagan Water Worries End?
P3 · St Johnston Long Ago – by Joe Peoples
· Women’s Group News – by Mary Crossan
· Millennium Madness, the rush is on!
· Mysterious Roadworks
New Publication for Local Area


Welcome to “Local Gossip”. Local Gossip is the new name given to the St Johnston Carrigans Newsletter. With the latest addition to the St Johnston Carrigans area now officially rubberstamped it seems only appropriate that we should have a new, local publication for you, the local people.

That is what we hope to bring you in the form of Local gossip. This publication is an avenue for you the people of St Johnston and Carrigans to contribute articles about news, sport, administrative meetings or even just to wish someone a happy birthday. We also hope that you will regard “Local Gossip” as somewhere you can air your views and complaints about local concerns and have them listened to and investigated.

So finally, don’t hesitate to put pen to paper and get in touch. We hope that Local Gossip will be something you enjoy reading and contrbuting to!

Ellen Doherty and Mark McCrossan
The days of carrying water to homes in the Lagan Desert are finally numbered with the announcement recently that £2.4million has been approved to bring a proper water supply to the area.

Lagan Desert campaigner John O Donnell and his team, welcomed the news, courtesy of funding being made available by the Department of the Environment and Local Governmet under the Rural Towns and Village Initiative.

The residents affected in the area had to carry water for domestic purposes and endured a life more common sixty years ago. Those affected all threatened not to vote at the local elections recently unless something was done about the problem.
A taste of the Orient is about to embark on St Johnston and Carrigans residents, namely Tai Chi. Tai Chi is practised in China and now increasingly in Ireland. It is a unique system of exercise based on principles of relaxed breathing, rhythmical movement and balance. Tai Chi is more and more recognised today as a means of improving health and curing disease. It is a very relaxing exercise which is practised by all ages from 7 – 70.

An exhibition was held in St Johnston five weeks ago and following the large turnout it is now proposed to have a six week session.
The course will be conducted by the North West Institute in Derry, who are a non profit making organisation for the community. The instructors who will visit St Johnston have all received their credentials from China.

The course began in the Lecture Hall, St Johnston on Thursday, July 15th at 8pm. It will continue at this time and venue for the next five weeks. All welcome.


Congratulations to Damian Crossan, Martin Coyle, Dean O’Donnell, Christopher McNulty, Sean Peoples, Brian Coll and Stephen O’Donnell who represented Donegal in the Ulster Finals of the Community Games which took place in Banbridge Co.Down on Sat. July 3rd. They played in the Ulster Finals of the Mini Olympic Handball U-13 and were narrowly defeated by Co. Monaghan.
MILLENNIUM MADNESS!,by ellen doherty

There’ll be music playing and people swaying, and dancing in the street! not only are these the opening lyrics to a very popular eighties dancetrack but they could also signal what may happen in st Johnston over the millennium, or will it. judging by recent interest in the millennium projects it seems as if we may be paying one hundred pounds to get into clubs and a further £6 for each pint. indeed, the recent turnouts at millennium meetings have indicated that the millennium is something which may come and go without much fuss. so when we return to work in the year 2000 what how will we say we celebrated the millennium. the answer “i didn’t really do much” does seem a little dull!

This is a once in a lifetime event for our community and a chance for us to celebrate it and so we should, if people pull together. £2m has been made available in Ireland to celebrate the millennium. its not often we are offered any money to have a party so shouldn’t we take the opportunity when we are getting it!

Through the st Johnston and Carrigans resource Group, an application has been made for funding for a millennium project in each of the villages. However, with or without funding, the those who have been attending meetings feel it is important to do two things, to plan together and to celebrate together.

Work starts on our Resource Centre!

“Work is progressing rapidly”

Report by Mark McCrossan
Machinery moved into St Johnston recently as work started on the development of the new resource centre. This follows a meeting a few weeks ago when pen was put to paper as the contract was given the green light by the contracters, committee members and the North Western Health Board (NWHB) respectively following four years of negotiations and planning between the local community, NWHB and Peace and Reconciliation.

Those who signed the contract were, Ian Mc Conachie (Quantity Surveyor, James Doherty (Contractor), Patrick Harvey (CAO,NWHB), Hugh Conaghan(Chairman of NWHB) and Mary Crossan (Vice Chairperson of the Resource committee)

Those who endured many sleepless nights in the development committee making ventures materialise were; Chairperson, Derrig Higgins; Vice, Mary Crossan; Treasurer, Deirdre Browne; Secretary, Frances Browne. Board of directors- John O Donnell, Nan Lynch, John Mc Cartney and Stephanie Patterson.

Frances Browne, Secretary of the development committee has said that it is “a fantastic achievement for the St Johnston Carrigans area and said the centre will have an open door policy. “When up and running we will have a diversity of events to suit everyone, already we have set up a youth programme and plans will be discussed shortly about the elderly.”
Well it seems as if our minds have been put to rest once and for all on the case of the disappearing workers at the deserted roadworks at the St Johnston Bridge. No we don’t have another ‘bermuda triangle’ it was simply a case of a lot of red tape. The total estimated cost of the development was estimated to be somewhere in the region of between £150,000 and £200,00

Whilst Donegal County Council were waiting for the remainder of the money to be allocated we were left looking at a “site” which caused many sore eyes.
Well at the moment it is safe to say that progress has been made and we are assured that the completion date is not far off. The new and improved road was officially opened by various local councillors, funnily enough, during their electoral campaigns a few weeks ago!

Now that we are catching up with the rest of the modern world and getting more developed roads perhaps it won,t be long until we get to the stage of campaigning for a road like the one in the picture! We can always dream! Report by Ellen Doherty


Congratulations to Josie McGee and Andy Coll for having reached retirement age after long years of faithful service on Rankin’s farm. At an age when most people are happy to put their feet up, however, they continue to work – Andy on a full time basis and Josie part time. Josie began work in the mid forties when horses provided the pulling power around a farm, but then of course machinery took over and Josie became familiar with and expert at operating and maintaining all sorts of machinery. He became known in the area as having a strong preference for his beloved Massey Ferguson tractor and inspired one local wit to pen an amusing poem called Magee’s Massey.

Andy began work in the early fifties and under the careful guidance of the late Mr Josie Rankin developed a liking for the various building repair jobs which are common around a farm yard. Andy is a man of great patience and when he finishes any job you may be sure he finishes it to perfection.
Best wishes to both on their retirement!
St Johnston/Carrigans Community Playgroup

The annual outing of the playgroup took place on May 26 when all involved headed for a teddybears picnic at Ards Forest Park. A lovely time was had by all.

The playgroup closed for the summer holidays on Wednesday June 23 and will reopen on Monday September 6.

Bernie Moore chaired the last meeting of the Women’s Group held on June 15th. The group have a busy schedule planned for the coming month’s, with Tai Chi beginning soon and Art Classes planned for the Autumn.

Patricia McLaughlin who is nursing in Letterkenny Hospital came along for the event and gave a very interesting introduction to Reflexology as an alternative healing remedy. Two of the ladies volunteered for a demonstration and found it a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Patricia is available for consultation; Tel 48435.

Congratulations to all the ladies who received certificates in Introduction to Information Technology and Computer skills following a course in Raphoe Vocational School. They were Nora Browne, Marie O’Donnell, Anne Roulston, Yvonne Patterson, Sandra McKean, Teresa McBrearty, Tracy Toland, Geraldine Robinson, Samantha Orr, Margaret Toland, Mary Browne, Bernadette  Moore, Mary Crossan, Sandra Harkin, Kathleen Rodgers and Mable Porter.

Also, well done to the water babies who have just finished swimming lessons in Letterkenny.
Fortunately as this is the first issue of Local Gossip we received many articles and various other items for publication. However due to limited time and page space we could not include them all in this issue of “Local Gossip” .

All of these will be included in another edition of the newsletter which we hope to publish quite soon. In the meantime keep writing. We can only make this a successful publication with your help.

The resource office is open to those wishing to contribute on Monday and Thursday Evenings from seven onwards. In the meantime we look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoyed reading!
Ellen Doherty and Mark Mc Crossan