Drumucklagh National School, Parish of Taughboyne
This school opened in September 1909 with 57 pupils. Children started school at
six years of age and left at fourteen years. During its lifetime, 411 boys and
355 girls passed through the school. There were two class rooms with a sliding
partition and it was heated by two open fires. The principal teacher in 1938 was
Mr. Peter C. Carr. The school closed in 1980 and its pupils amalgamated with
those of Trentamucklagh and the former St Baithin's National Schools to become
one new school, St Baithin's National School, St. Johnston which opened for the
first time on Monday 9th May 1980.
By Hugh Doherty
Here are some stories from the schools collection 1938. Courtesy of Duchas.
The Binion Mass Rock
The Binion Mass Rock is situated in the centre of the northern boundary of Mr.
Tom McKane’s farm. The farm is situated in the townland of Binion in the parish
of St. Johnston, Co. Donegal. It is along the side of the field. It is about
four feet high. It is almost flat at the top measuring about three feet broad.
It is sheltered by a whin ditch from the north wind. The mass was said during
penal days about one hundred and fifty years ago. The field which contains the
stone is still called “The Altar Lea”. The last priest to say mass there was a
father Harkin. He was concealed in the Catholic houses of the district.
An Old School
About seventy years ago there was a dwelling house turned into a school. The
name of the teacher was Mr. Stewart. The old house is still standing yet. It is
at the corner of Mr. Furey’s house.
The teachers were paid by the week. There was no Irish used at that time and
there was no reading out of books. They taught nothing but sums and reading the
Peggie Gallagher, Momeen, St. Johnston
This story was told to me by my father of the same address.