St Johnston and Carrigans Donegal



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Tributes to retiring St. Johnston teacher

Sean MacGiolla Bhride, principal of St. Baithin's N.S., St. Johnston, who has retired had spent 31 years there.  He enjoyed a high reputation among his colleagues as one of the ablest and most successful teachers in the county.

A native Irish speaker from Cruit Island, Kincasslagh, Sean was extremely popular in St. Johnston and his retirement occasioned regret as it did also good wishes for many years of happiness and relaxation to carry on his hobby as a poet, song writer and playwright.  He is also a keen student of local history.

To mark his long and loyal service to the people of the area, Mr McBride was the recipient of a presentation in the County Club, Kildrum, at the week-end.

The function was organised by the ladies committee of the parish.

Very Rev. D. G. Cunnea, D.D., P.P. presided at the presentation and formally handed over a wallet of notes presented by parents (many of whom were former pupils) and well wishers in the parish.

From Donegal News, Jan 23 1973


The song the Homes of Donegal was written by Seán McBride in about 1955. Seán was a native of Cruit island which is in the Rosses area of Donegal (West Donegal). He was a school Teacher at St. Baithins school in the Carrigans/St.Johnston area (East Donegal) for most of his life. Seán passed away at the age of 90 in August 1996 and is buried on Cruit Island.