The digging begins for our Resource Centre
Work begins on building the Resource Centre 1999
Machinery moved into St Johnston recently as work started on the development of
the new resource centre. This follows a meeting a few weeks ago when pen was put
to paper as the contract was given the green light by the contracters, committee
members and the North Western Health Board (NWHB) respectively following four
years of negotiations and planning between the local community, NWHB and Peace
and Reconciliation.
Those who signed the contract were, Ian Mc Conachie (Quantity Surveyor, James Doherty (Contractor), Patrick Harvey (CAO,NWHB), Hugh Conaghan(Chairman of NWHB) and Mary Crossan (Vice Chairperson of the Resource committee)
Those who endured many sleepless nights in the development committee making ventures materialise were; Chairperson, Derrig Higgins; Vice, Mary Crossan; Treasurer, Deirdre Browne; Secretary, Frances Browne. Board of directors- John O Donnell, Nan Lynch, John Mc Cartney and Stephanie Patterson.
Frances Browne, Secretary of the development committee
has said that it is “a fantastic achievement for the St Johnston Carrigans area
and said the centre will have an open door policy. “When up and running we will
have a diversity of events to suit everyone, already we have set up a youth
programme and plans will be discussed shortly about the elderly.”
Well it seems as if our minds have been put to rest once and for all on the case
of the disappearing workers at the deserted roadworks at the St Johnston Bridge.
No we don’t have another ‘bermuda triangle’ it was simply a case of a lot of red
tape. The total estimated cost of the development was estimated to be somewhere
in the region of between £150,000 and £200,00
Whilst Donegal County Council were waiting for the
remainder of the money to be allocated we were left looking at a “site” which
caused many sore eyes.
Well at the moment it is safe to say that progress has been made and we are
assured that the completion date is not far off. The new and improved road was
officially opened by various local councillors, funnily enough, during their
electoral campaigns a few weeks ago!
Now that we are catching up with the rest of the modern world and getting more developed roads perhaps it won,t be long until we get to the stage of campaigning for a road like the one in the picture! We can always dream! Report by Ellen Doherty
Paula Leonard looks at the plans for the Resource Centre