Alexander Doherty
Alexander Doherty was born near St Johnston at Legnathraw. He was
born on February 23rd in 1900. He spent most of his life in Sligo
working in banks. He wrote poetry and articles many of which were
published in the Donegal People's Press. One of his books is Through
the Lens. This book has poems which refer to life in St Johnston and
one of them is called Winding Swilly Burn. It speaks of his thoughts
and feelings as he was on the bridge at Carrickmore St Johnston over
the Swilly Burn in Autumn 1920. It spoke principally of his feelings
for his young love. Here is a verse that speaks of the locality:
"I love to hear the Corn-Crake call,
In springtime of the year,
The Linnet and the Skylark
All chime their notes so clear,
I love to hear a ploughman sing
As with his team return
And comfort every lonely heart,
On winding Swilly Burn"
Download The Laggan and its People by Mrs Campbell