2007 Confirmation On Tuesday March 27th the children of fifth and sixth class will be confirmed by his Lordship Bishop Philip Boyce. Confirmation will be in St Baithin’s Church, St Johnston at 6.00 pm. Scoil an Leinbh Iosa On Monday the 29th January, his Lordship Most Reverend Philip Boyce paid Scoil an Leinbh Iosa, Coxtown, Carrigans the honour of a visit. A spokesperson said, “It was a lovely mild sunny spring like morning and the birds were singing outside and his Lordship brought all of that joy and much more into our school and into our school and our hearts when he visited. The bishop was accompanied by Monsignor Carr the parish priest. His Lordship took time off from his very busy schedule to visit each classroom and teacher and talk with everyone. The children were very excited by a visit from such a very important and busy man and the staff were most appreciative and moved. The children from the Junior Classes said a Hail Mary and sang a song for their welcome guest. The older children talked with the bishop. At night the children and their parents got the opportunity to go to Mass in St Baithin’s Church St Johnston which was concelebrated by his Lordship and Monsignor Dan Carr. AIB Art Competition Congratulations to six pupils from St Baithin's National School who took six of the nine prizes in the recent AIB art competition. Winners in the junior section were: First place Tyler Toland, Senior Infants. Second place C Clarke, Junior Infants. Third place Luke Toland, Junior Infants. The winners in the middle section were first place Calum Toland, Second Class. Third place Ellie Duddy Toland Second Class. Winner in the senior section was Corey Tinney in third place. Youth Project The Youth Project n the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre has been funded through measure 2.2 of the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation administered by Border Action since 2003. This funding however ceased 31st December 2006. What this means to the Centre is that it no loner has the funding to employ a fulltime youth worker and part time administrator. It also means that it does not have funding to offer the level of activity that has been available over the past three years. We have been working with other projects in Letterkenny, Ramelton, Milford, Raphoe, Lifford, Ballintra and Laghey which have also been affected by the end of funding have to look at alternative sources. This process is still ongoing and every avenue is being explored. In the Centre a lot of time has been spent in reviewing the situation and planning. The community employment youth workers and the youth sub group of the voluntary management committee have been looking at what at what we can do to maintain a good level of activity for children and young people in the area. The homework club has also been restructured. Registration has taken place and there has been a good uptake. If anyone is interested in volunteering time or has any suggestions on how to develop the youth project we would welcome all offers of help. Uganda Just a month into his new job, Development Worker, Vincent Doyle from St Johnston, spent a quiet Christmas with his family in Uganda. Vincent who moved with his partner, Sandra, and two children to Kampala in November is working with Ireland’s leading aid agency Concern. They said that Christmas was a low key celebration there and was nothing like as commercialised as it was at home. The concern office closed for the Christmas period and the local staff all went back to their villages. Vincent said that there was a great atmosphere there at Christmas time but still they missed the Christmas spirit Vincent said, “Our children are settled into their new school and have made new friends out here. Sandra is organising our new home and I am getting to grips with my job.” The St Johnston man is Concern’s organisational Development and partnership adviser in Uganda. His job is to build up good contacts between Concern and the local NGO’s on the ground and to see how they can work together in the most efficient way possible. He said that there are 120 Concern staff in Uganda, two from Ireland, two English people and one person from Nepal. The rest of the staff are local. Vincent and his family managed to get a swim over the Christmas period and unlike swimming in Ireland at Christmas time the water was very warm. He points out there is no great bravery required when swimming in Uganda. Lunch Club The fortnightly Lunch Club for people of 50 plus will be held on Wednesday February 21st 11.00 am to 1.00 pm in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre. There will be an opportunity to get the best advice on home security at this Lunch Club so we encourage you to bring a friend to avail of this important opportunity. The monthly Supper Dance will be held on Thursday 22nd February. It begins at 7.30 pm and finishing around 10.30 pm. Everybody is welcome and it is an occasion intended solely to bring the community together for an evening of good craic and music and dance and a light supper. A bus trip will be organised for the Beltaine Festival in May. Keep a look out for the details which are still to be finalised. There will be a Breakfast Morning held to support the Lunch Club. Details will be published as they are finalised. Computer Room It is intended to let members of the public use the computer suite on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. They must book beforehand and there will be a person available to supervise. Please call 074 91 48551 if you are interested. Social Services St Johnston and Carrigans Social Services Committee would like to hear from people who would like to volunteer to help out with social services work. Positive Health and Wellbeing Positive Heath and Wellbeing is a six-week course commencing in late February on a date yet to be confirmed in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre. Do you feel down, tired or depressed? Do you occasionally have difficulty in coping or feel stressed. Would you like time for yourself? This course will be facilitated by two trained professionals in stress management and cognitive behaviour therapy. The course will offer participants the space and opportunity to explore the stress factors in our lives and offer strategies to help cope and overcome obstacles to positive health and wellbeing. Contact Mary or Carol for further information 074 91 48551. Use of computer room The Resource Centre have recently installed their new computers with the support of the Family Support Agency. The computer suite is available to members of the public for all types of computer use, internet and email and so on. We hope to have availability of use in the evenings for students from 6.30 to 8.30 pm. We are looking for adult volunteers who would be willing to supervise these sessions. For more information please contact Mary at the Resource Centre. Counselling Service Have you or someone else related to you experienced bereavement, loss or relationship problems. Do you feel lonely, isolated or hurt? You can then avail of a free confidential counselling service, telephone 087 056 9124 in complete confidence for an appointment. Craft Fayre The annual Craft Fayre in the Lecture Hall, Church Street, St Johnston and the accompanying Car Boot Sale in St Johnston Presbyterian Church Car Park will take place on Easter Saturday 7th April 2007. Teas will be available all day. It begins at 11.00 am and finishes at 4.00 pm. All proceeds will be donated to the Oncology (Cancer) Unit, Letterkenny General Hospital. Car boots will cost 10 Euro or £7.50 sterling. Car booters provide their own tables. Craft tables available in the Lecture Hall at a cost of 15 euro or £10.00 sterling. There is a booking form available which must be returned by Saturday 24th March. A ten euro deposit is an essential and for further information please contact Betty Graham 087 9721924 or watch out for the posters in the local shop windows. Newsletter The St Patrick’s Day Edition of the St Johnston and Carrigans Newsletter is now available from the usual outlets. Youth Club A meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st March from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre. The meeting is in relation to the Youth Club and it is open to everyone so why not come along and see what is on offer for the youth of St Johnston and to contribute your suggestions. AGM The AGM for the St Johnston and Carrigans Men’s Group took place on Tuesday 6th March at 7.30 pm and all went well. Volunteers If you would like to volunteer to supervise the computer room on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm then please contact Mary Crossan at 91 48551. Adult volunteers are needed so that the public who wish to use the computers in the evening can come in. Again if you wish to use the computers please book beforehand using the number given. Lunch Club During the Lunch Club of Wednesday 21st of February a talk was given on home security which proved to be very successful. The door prize of a 10 Euro voucher for the Meat Joint, St Johnston, was won by Josie Magee. Supper Dance The Supper Dance for bringing the community together in a monthly get-together was held on Thursday 22nd February. Everybody enjoyed the local entertainment by the “Bird Man” and Thomas Curran. They were so good they had everyone up off their seats on the dance floor. Hope not many had sore feet! Everyone is very welcome as it is an occasion to bring the community together for an evening of good craic, music and dance. So please come along and bring a friend or two the more the better! The next supper dance date is Thursday 29th March and because this dance is so close to Easter there will be an Easter theme on the night! St Patrick’s Day All of us at the Resource Centre wish everyone a very happy St Patrick’s Day. Reminders Just a reminder that the popular Job Club will be starting in the St Johnston and Carrigans Resource Centre on Thursday 15th February 2007. There will be a Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training Programme starting 9.00 am to 4.30 pm. It will be held on the 3rd and the 4th February 2007 in the Resource Centre. Details for these events are on the posters in the Centre. FAI FAI Intermediate Cup, Kildrum Tigers versus Douglas Hall, Station Road Park, St Johnston on Sunday February 4th 2007. The kick off is at 2.00 pm and the admission is 5 euro. Your support would be appreciated. Website In November 2004, an Ecological Survey of the River Foyle with a view to wildlife amenity development took place for the St Johnston and Carrigans area. It was supported by the Heritage Council under the Wildlife Grant Scheme 2004. A lot of interesting research took place under the survey and the conclusions are being prepared for the website It’s interesting to know that the former Great Northern Railway line passes between the developed zone the villages and the farmlands and the shore. It provides an excellent opportunity for planning a nature trail and leads to panoramic and scenic viewing points over the river. A small parking area next the entry to the cricket field could make a good starting point for the nature trail. Bench seating and picnic areas are a possibility but it is intended to avoid the more undisturbed areas for the protection of wildlife. The process of archiving the community notes on the website will commence shortly. Any contribution to the community notes is very welcome and will therefore become part of our heritage through archiving for the reference of future generations. Guestbook The St Johnston and Carrigans Guestbook is live on The Guestbook is accessed when you click Sign Guestbook and then you enter your name, your email address and put in a message. You then click on the Submit button on the screen with the mouse to send your message to the website so that it shows up on the website. Pilates Need some exercise? Then why not try the Pilate’s Classes which run every Tuesday night in the Resource Centre from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Everyone is welcome. Job Club The Job Club that was held recently in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre proved to be a great success. Everybody found it to be a great learning and social experience. They found it gave them more confidence about interviews and job applications. Joe McKean The Resource Centre and the Community would like to congratulate Joe McKean, a local farmer, who won the VFI Good Neighbour Award 2006. He was nominated by Maggie's Tavern, Carrickmore, St Johnston due to his enormous generosity and kindness to his neighbours, his dedication to charitable fundraising and voluntary commitment to his local community. Joe received a gold and silver trophy and €5000 euro to donate to a charity or charities of his choice. Joe received the presentation at Maggie's Tavern, 18th December 2006 last. The charities Joe donated the money to were Diabetic Research €2000, Lifford Hospital Patients Comfort Fund €1000, Ballyderg Special School €1000, Chernobyl Children Aid North West Ltd €500, and I K A Renal Support Centre €500. Magazine The Resource Centre wishes to celebrate the last seven years since its inception and service of the community. To do that we wish to involve the community because the centre belongs to the community and all sections of the community are welcome. To help community involvement, it is planned to produce a booklet about how it all began and the people involved in setting it up. If you would like to put forward your point of view about it all and your appraisal of the services being offered please contact Donna in the Resource Centre at 91 48551. Your contribution can be an article, poem or photograph that can be quickly scanned (copied) and then returned intact to you immediately. Any help will be much appreciated. Breakfast Morning The Breakfast Morning in aid of Motor Neurone Disease took place in the Resource Centre on Thursday March 15th. It started at 10.00 am and was very successful and everybody enjoyed it. Many people came and sat down to a mouthwatering hot breakfast of bacon, egg, sausage and potato bread and felt it is hard to beat the good old Irish breakfast! Thanks to all who came along and contributed donations to this excellent cause. Conversational Spanish The attenders of a previous conversational Spanish course in the Resource Centre found it very useful and enjoyable. Spanish is a nice language and it is not too difficult to learn enough to get by if you ever go to Spain. Sometimes if you learn a language you might get the urge to go to the country that speaks the language. So there will be a new conversational Spanish course starting off in the Resource Centre soon. The time and the date of this course has yet to be confirmed and if you have any inquiries please call 074 91 48551. Yoga The very popular yoga sessions will be starting in the Resource Centre Wednesday 21st March at 8.00 pm and finishing at 9.15 pm. Supper Dance The supper dance which is held as a community event to bring the community together on the last Thursday of every month will be held on Thursday 29th March in the Resource Centre. Lunch Club The Lunch Club was held on 7th March, Wednesday, and the door prize of a €10 euro voucher for Gibson's House and Home was won by Mrs Rose French, St Johnston. The next Lunch Club will be held on Wednesday 21st March in the Resource Centre and everybody is welcome. The Lunch Club is of great service to the community and brings people together of 50+. Everybody is welcome. Monreagh NS There will be a Cake Sale in aid of Monreagh National School Carrigans on Thursday morning 29th March 2007. It will take place in the Resource Centre and there will be an entrance fee of €2 for an adult and €1 for a child. You will then be entered into an Easter raffle which will take place on the day. Raffle Winners of the recent St Baithin’s National School Parents Association Raffle were first prize hamper Eamon Gillespie, second prize Santa decoration, Dana Lynch. Third prize tin of sweets Roisin Crossan. Fourth prize box of biscuits, Jack Porter. The fifth prize was a plum pudding Amanda Coyle. Social Services AGM Social Services are holding their AGM in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre from 7.30 to 9.30 pm on Tuesday 30th January. Everybody is welcome. Social Services would like to hear from anybody who is interested in becoming a volunteer. Please call 074 91 48551 if interested. Job Club The Job Club will be starting in the Resource Centre on Thursday 15th February 2007. It takes place every day until the 9th of March 2007. The Job Club has proven to be very enjoyable and worthwhile for participants many of whom have found jobs out of the training and advice they have received. The Job Club is for you if you want to increase your confidence or if you want to return to work or training. It brings together unemployed people of all ages. Job Club staff will be able to advise you on local employment and training opportunities and will aim to seer you in the right direction towards a job or training suited to your skills and abilities. Many local people find CVs and letter writing to be a challenge when approaching an employer. They will be attracted by the advice and training the job club can give in this area because for many the CV and cover letter for the job you apply for is the first contact between yourself and a possible employer. It pays to make a good impression and to be confident about your letter and your CV. Training will be given as well in employment equality awareness which is ensuring that you know what your rights are irrespective of gender and race and marital status and so on. Training will be given in finding possible career and training opportunities and picking the job advertisements that may be right for you. Interview preparation and skills will be covered. Basic computer skills will be delivered and there will be talks from support agencies such as FAS, the RES (Regional Employment Service) and the VEC. An allowance of 20 Euro a week is granted for participation in the programme and where appropriate a further contribution will be made. This does not affect Social Welfare payments. The venue is wheelchair accessible. Membership of the Job Club programme is voluntary, free and totally confidential. To register contact the course facilitators Lareina or Eleanor on 071 98 58959 or call Mary Crossan at the Resource Centre on 074 91 48551. Job Club is an initiative of Donegal Local Development Company Ltd and FAS. It is funded by the Irish Government and Part-Financed by the European Union under the National Development Plan 2000 –2006. Spring Courses 2007 It is planned to possibly run the following courses in the Resource Centre. Irish for beginners, Yoga, Conversational Spanish, Computers, Internet and Email, Manual Accounts, Basic Computer Maintenance, Sage Computerised Accounts, Traditional Crafts, Oil and Acrylic Painting. Eat Well/Be Well is a course that may be of interest to men and women who are health conscious and would like to learn to prepare low cost healthy meals in an enjoyable and relaxed way. The times and dates are get to be agreed. The delivery of all courses are subject to sufficient levels of interest and the minimum numbers of participants. The programmes are funded and supported through Donegal VEC Community Education Programme. Please contact Mary Crossan or Carol at 074 91 48551 if you are interested in a course or if you would like to make a suggestion. Suicide Awareness There will be a Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training Programme starting 9.00 am to 4.30 pm. It will be held on the 3rd and the 4th February 2007 in the Resource Centre. The programme helps you to recognise the invitations for help, review the risk of suicide, reach out and offer support to someone in need and apply suicide prevention model and so on. Evaluation has shown this programme will increase the knowledge and confidence needed to respond at risk of suicide and these intervention skills will be retained over time and used to save lives. To book please call Shirley 074 91 53043 or 91 63332 or 087 9940148. This programme is for 18 to 30 year olds that will address the issue of suicide in Donegal, Derry and Tyrone. Asist (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) provides practical training for those seeking to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. The emphasis is placed on suicide prevention, first aid and helping the person in danger stay safe. This programme is run by Donegal and Derry YMCA in association with the Health Service Executive. Jim Mc Killop Jim Mc Killop Violin Virtuso with Pat Conroy (Guitar Accompaniment) will be playing in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre on January 27th 2007 at 8.00 pm. It will be a fantastic night of music from two outstanding musicians. The music will include waltzes, slow music, Irish traditional, bluegrass, western swing, Shetland and old time music. Further details can be got from the posters that have been put up in the area. Supper Dance The Supper Dance that is held on the last Thursday of every month and which is due to be held on January 25th has been cancelled. We regret any disappointment this may cause. Community Variety Concert A Community Variety Concert will be held in St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre on Wednesday 24th January 2007 at 8.00 pm. Fergus Cleary will be the MC for the evening and will be introducing a host of local talent. There will be songs, traditional music and dance. Doors are open at 7.30 pm. Further information can be found from the posters or you can call the Centre at 9148551. Community Notes There is a press notes box in the Resource Centre if you wish to make a contribution to the community notes. Alternatively you may email Smoking Cessation Service If you have made a new years resolution to stop smoking and are finding it to be a struggle then why not think about the Smoking Cessation Service (SCS) is a free and confidential service that is running in the Resource Centre every Monday morning. If you would like to quit smoking and make a belated new years resolution or need support to beat the habit then why not call free on 1850 200 687 and make an appointment to see Ed Bradley. A Fond Farewell All the youth workers, past and present, would like to wish John Doherty all the very best in his new job. His work has made such a difference with the young people in the community and he will greatly missed. Good luck John and don’t be a stranger. Newsletter The May edition of the St Johnston and Carrigans Newsletter is now available for free from the usual outlets. It is funded by FAS and the National Development Plan. Retreat The annual Day Retreat to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday 26th May 2007. Bookings are now being taken at Mac’s Mini Market, St Johnston, Main Street, and the Post Office Carrigans. A €5.00 deposit to secure a place is required. The cost is €20 which includes Island boat and lunch. Bus is leaving Carrigans at 7.50 am and St Johnston at 8.00 am sharp. The boat is leaving the Island at 4.30 pm to return home. Everyone is welcome. Monreagh NS Here is the news from Monreagh National School, Carrigans. Joshua Roulston, Senior Infants won the special recognition category for children with a physical disability. He received this award at the annual prize-giving in the Raddison Hotel, Letterkenny, on Thursday 8th March. His whole family and the school are very proud of his achievement. Well done Joshua! To mark National Tree Week, Cecilia Keaveney came to the school. She planted an oak tree in the playground. The School began its first Homework Club on Wednesday 7th March and continued every week up until Easter. The children had a snack first, then we did homework and finally we practiced our music and dancing for the summer concert. The school wishes to thank the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre for the use of the hall this year for the Cake Sale in aid of the school. We would also like to thank the parents for their hard work! Our sixth class completed their entrance exams for Deele College, Raphoe, and are now participating in the Primary School Transfer Programme. We wish you well as you prepare for secondary school life. Joy Porter The management and staff of the Resource Centre would like to say a fond farewell to Joy Porter who has worked at the Centre as the Support Worker for Older People for the last eighteen months. She has brought her own brand of enjoyment to the Lunch Club and the Supper Dances held on the last Thursdays of every month in the Centre. And she organised the Meals on Wheels in the area. Everyone will truly miss her. We wish her all the very best in her new job and look forward to her visiting us at the Centre during the Supper Dance nights. Lunch Club The Lunch Club of Wednesday 2nd May 2007 was very enjoyable and successful. With the fantastic weather outside and the Club inside the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre everybody was in a good summer form. They had time for fun and games and chat and a hearty meal of mince and onion pie and then a delicious helping of lemon meringue pie. The Lunch Club is open to people of 50 and over and new faces are always welcome. The Lunch Club members and friends are looking forward now to the Bus Trip to Donegal Town on Wednesday the 16th of May. There will be a trip around Donegal Bay on the water bus and then dinner in a local hotel. Easter Programme There has been very good and positive feedback in relation to the Easter Programme for young people in April. They enjoyed trips to the cinema and there was an Easter Party complete with the bouncy castle, disco and face painting. There was a miscellany of games including egg hunting. Excellence Through People Representatives from St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre attended the FAS Excellence Through People Award Ceremony in the Marriott Johnston House Hotel in Enfield, Co Meath on Friday 20th of April 2007, where they were presented in recognition of having achieved the operation of a human resource system which strives to achieve excellence through the training, development and involvement of its most important resource, its people. The award was presented by Minister Noel Dempsey to Carol McCrossan on behalf of the Resource Centre. Stephen McNamee, Mary Crossan and Mary Kerr also attended the ceremony. The award represents a huge achievement to the staff and management of the Family Resource Centre. The Excellence Through People certificate can be seen in the front hall of the Resource Centre. Motor Neurone The Motor Neurone Association of Ireland was awarded a cheque for €420 at the Lunch Club of Wednesday 2nd May at 12 noon. Mrs Susan Tinney accepted the cheque on behalf of the Association. Susan would like to thank Joy and Rosemary and the staff of the Resource Centre for all their assistance. Stepping Stones Stepping Stones Playgroup was recently granted a small grant from Pobal which was used to purchase a new shed, blinds for the playgroup and an extra large fridge for all the lunch boxes. Stepping Stones would like to take this opportunity to thank Flemings, St Johnston, Reynolds of Raphoe, and Cathal Flood Blinds for all their help in the organisation of these items for the Playgroup. This year the St Johnston and Carrigans Community Playgroup is celebrating twenty five years in operation. The Playgroup Committee is looking for photographs, newspaper clippings and any other memorable items that you may have had since your time in the Playgroup or involvement with it. If you would like to let us have a loan of these items we will return them to you when we are finished with them so please include your name and address on them for returning. At present a day to celebrate this wonderful milestone is being organised so watch this space for further information. The Playgroup went on their Annual Bus Outing on Tuesday 15th May to Oakfield Park in Raphoe. They did that last year too and found it so enjoyable that it was thought to be best to go back this year. Again a great day was had by all. Culture The Far Side of the River Foyle Project is supported by Tyrone - Donegal Partnership. A Cultural Evening Dance was held in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre which was attended by eighty people from both sides of the River Foyle. The entertainment was provided by Leslie Matthews with demonstrations of Irish Dance from the Creagh School of Dancing and Ulster Scots dancing from the Solas Dancers from Bready. A delicious supper of Donegal Stew followed by apple tart and cream was prepared by Rosemary Colhoun and Joy Porter and dished up by our team of volunteers. A great night's craic was had by all with meeting old friends from across the water and making new ones. The purpose of the project is to bring the two communities together to enjoy common experiences of community and culture and that certainly happened on the night! Retreat The annual day retreat to Lough Derg from the St Johnston and Carrigans area took place on Saturday May 26th. The bus load left the area about 8.00 am in the morning and we arrived on the island about 10. The weather was formidable as we crossed with rain and wind but it was fine and cleared up later in the day. There was a little sun to let us out to circumambulate the basilica during prayers and a good day was had by all. Lunch Club The Lunch Club outing to Donegal Town on the 16th of May was very successful and was enjoyed by all despite the erratic and at times very unpleasant weather. Everybody enjoyed a nice dinner and the company of each other. Ulster Scots Booklet There is a number of Ulster Scots Booklets available for free in the front hall of the Resource Centre. This booklet was sponsored by Taobh Tire and contains much material of local interest such as our dialect, our idioms and some history as well. Forever Crafts The Forever Crafts Craft Group meets in the Old Playgroup Building every Tuesday at 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm. This has been a busy year so far and the ladies of the group are keen to get involved in any kind of craft available. Since February the Group has been involved with a project led by the Connect Castlederg Across Dergfinn Partnership which has led us to be paired with another craft group in Gartevagh just outside Castlederg, Co Tyrone. We have all spent time together getting to know one another and deciding what kind of project we wanted to get involved in and do. At one of the training meetings held in Castlederg it was decided that that we would make a patchwork quilt as this would allow everyone who was willing to be able to participate. We met in Gartevagh in early February and it was agreed that we would each make a nine square patch. Although there was some material available, some of the ladies used their own and the squares soon began to take shape. A meeting in St Johnston proved to be more like putting a jigsaw puzzle together as the colours were more plentiful. Everyone took part and eventually the squares were all put together and arranged into eight lines of ten. As we did not have the equipment to put the backing on to the quilt and edge it, this was left to the professionals in the Fennel Shed, Buncrana. And the ladies only had to had sew the edging around the quilt to finish off. They made the quilt look excellent and the ladies should be very proud of their achievement. The whole point of this project was to bring the two communities together with a common interest and to get to know one another and this has certainly happened. The quilt was used at presentation day in the Villa Rose on the 27th of April this year and was admired by everyone. The quilt will now be displayed around the two areas and raffled for local charities on both sides of the border. Tickets are available from members of Forever Crafts Craft Group and the office in the Resource Centre for €1.50 or £1 sterling per strip. The quilt can currently be seen in the Resource Centre in the front hall. Our AGM has been held and Betty Graham is now the new chairperson. Pearl Miller is remaining as secretary and Anne O Donnell as Treasurer. Numbers at the group go up and down from week to week and we are aware that some of our members have not been in for a long time. It is sometimes difficult to come back to a Group when you have been away for a while but we would liek to extend an invitation to all members and anyone who may be interested in crafts to come along and join us. Yoga Beginners Yoga Class is currently in progress in the Resource Centre on Wednesdays and everybody is enjoying the class. Fidemla Sheridan is the instructor. Foyle Conference There was a great response to the Far Side of the Foyle Conference in the Everglades Hotel in Derry. It took place on Wednesday 17 October. Mayor John Boyle and Derry City Council Mayor Andrew Thompson were in attendance. The conference was very interesting and we viewed in a slideshow ancient maps of the St Johnston and Carrigans area. We saw a reproduction of the 1777 Taylor and Skinner’s map of the roads of Ireland which has St Johnston on it. We learned that the Vikings used to come up the Foyle wreaking havoc and pillaging which explains the Souterrians in the Foyle area. These were caves made in the ground in which people took refuge from the invaders. We had an interesting discussion on how to develop the Foyle and benefit the communities on both side of the river. Suggestions included a nature walk, ferry and amenity development to make the area more attractive to tourists. The Far Side of the Foyle has been meeting since 2005. Its purpose is to explore the community building and tourism drawing potential of both sides of the River. Information leaflets are available at the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre. The leaflets have been produced by the Resource Centre and the Villages Together of Bready, Co Tyrone. The group’s website can be accessed at Some who went to the conference enjoyed a guided tour of Prehen House. It was a fascinating trip back to the far distant past. Castletown School One of the Homework Club participants at the Resource Centre, Ellie Graham, a Senior Infants pupil at Castletown School, recently won the Irish Cancer Society’s 2007 SunSmart colouring competition. It was part of national competition campaign to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the skin in the sun in order to prevent skin cancer. There were 2842 entrants from 236 schools across Ireland. The winners received sports vouchers and 250 Euro worth of sports equipment for their schools. Well done Ellie. Monreagh School Monreagh National School, Carrigans, would like to say a warm welcome to its four new pupils Jack McCarron, Zoe Duncan, Anna Harris and Andrew Mullen. We look forward to many years of pleasant years of learning together. With Thursday 11 October being National Tree Day the school took a trip to Ards Forest Park, where they spent an enjoyable day on the shores of Sheephaven Bay. The Forester, Michael McFadden explained the differences between broad leaf and coniferous trees and took them for a walk on the newly erected boardwalk. The School says thanks to Coillte for this opportunity. And thanks also to the Gardai from Carrigans for coming into the school to show a video on general safety. Also thanks to Letterkenny Fire Station for sending an officer to give a talk on fire hazards. A new Board of Management is being put in place. The school thanks all those who served on the board in the four years. And it says a special thanks to Mr Leslie Rankin and Mrs Marie Vance (Parents’ Representatives) whose children have moved on to second-level education. Newsletter The November edition of the St Johnston and Carrigans Newsletter is now available. It contains an article about Bridie Lynch the well-known Olympic Gold Medal athlete and information of current interest. Donal McGinley, a former resident of St Johnston who is now living in London, sent in a record of the deaths concerning men from St Johnston who gave their lives in the First World War. This has been published in the newsletter. Thanks Donal. Stepping Stones Stepping Stones Playgroup had a very successful Halloween Draw on Thursday 25th October, raising 837 Euro. The First Prize went to Ian Latta and it was a large hamper. The Second Prize of a Grill/Barbeque went to Sheila Coll. The Third Prize, a bottle of spirits, went to Deirdre Lynch. Thanks to all the parents of the playgroup who made up the hamper by bringing in two items of groceries each. Thanks to Ann Marie Toland who donated a bottle of vodka and the Playgroup Committee gave the Grill/Barbeque. A huge thanks to all who bought lines from the children and the parents. Thanks to the businesses of St Johnston and Carrigans who sold lines also. St Baithin's NS St Baithin's National School held a No Uniform Day recently in aid of Fr Oliver McCrossan's Philippines Mission. A total of 400 Euro was raised. A special word of thanks to everybody who sent in donations on the day. Well done to the boys and girls who took part in the Mini-Sevens Gaelic Competition at the start of October. Both the boys and girls played extremely well in their matches, the girls just failing to qualify on goal difference. St Baithin's School Mass was held this term in honour of the late Hannah Keys. Hannah will always be remembered by everyone in St Baithin's National School for her kindness and caring nature towards the children. A special thanks to members of her family who attended the Mass on the day. There has been a huge response from the children to the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. This is the first time the school has participated in this very worthy cause. The boxes are being delivered to the collection point by members of our parent committee who organised for the school's participation this year. Ms McLoone has been very busy over the last two months since she has taken on her new role as Home School Community Liason Co-Ordinator at St Baithin's National School. A very successful games afternoon was held for Second Class. Thank you to the parents, Jacqueline Kelly, Caroline McCrabbe and Grainne Fitzpatrick who helped with the event. Thank you to all the parents of junior infant children who turned up for the Starting School Night which was held recently in the junior infant room. There was a full attendance on the night. Thanks also to Ms McElhone and Ms McLoone who facilitated the evening. The school was buzzing last week with the parents and children of junior infants who were invited to a breakfast morning at the school. A special thanks to you Ms McLoone and the hard-working ladies, Michelle Duddy, Jacqueline Devenney, Ann O Donnell and Allanna Ramsey who served breakfast to everyone. It was a very enjoyable morning and the children loved having their parents join them in school for breakfast! First and Second Class will be taking part in the Plant a Daffodil Competition organised by the Courtyard Garden Centre in Newtowncunningham. Ms McLoone will be co-ordinating the competition in the school. Courses are being presently advertised by Ms McLoone for parents in the following topics, Beginners Computers, Ladies' Pamper Night, Interior Design, how to help your children with homework, how to help with maths, raising ready readers and grammar for parents. Other topics suggested by parents are First Aid, Arts and Crafts, aerobics and cooking. If anyone is interested in any of the classes listed, please contact Ms McLoone. Classes will only run if there are sufficient numbers so come along and enjoy a night with friends learning a new skill. ___________________ |
2006 Community Notes Motor Neurone The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association would like to thank the supporters and organisers of the recent Church gate collection which raised the sum of 180 euro. The organisation is self-funded and loans out specialised equipment and helps fund care for people with motor neurone disease. Stepping Stones Stepping Stones Playgroup, Chapel Road, St Johnston, 0749148512 wants applications for the position of Special Needs Assistant with immediate start. Applicants must have FETAC Level 2 in Childcare or equivalent NVQ and Certificate in Special Needs. Application please in writing to Ms Emer Houston, Chairperson, Stepping Stones Playgroup, Chapel Road, St Johnston. Castletown The senior pupils enjoyed as part of Castletown National School’s Local History Programme very interesting visits to our local Churches. Mr Ian McCracken very kindly showed us around the Presbyterian Church. He told us all about the building and the history of the Church. Father Carr did likewise at St Baithin’s Church. Thank you very much Father Carr and Ian. Your help was invaluable. The school went to an Ulster – Scots gathering on Friday 13th October in the Donegal museum in Letterkenny. Here we participated in workshops on Highland Dancing, the Border Reivers and Tartan’s and Kilts. It was a great day out and was very interesting indeed. In October the school visited Marina Hamilton’s Art Studio and stables. They made masks from clay and discovered what happens in a real art studio. The senior pupils participated in a sponsored “Write to Remember” project in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland. The children were sponsored for this very worthy cause and thanks to all who did so. Presbyterian Church The Church Committee of St Johnston Presbyterian Church has received funding from the European Union Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation 2000 - 2004 (Peace II) through the Donegal County Council led Task force to implement a project. It is part financed by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan. The project involves several things. One is to replace the rough concrete floor in the Lower Hall of the Lecture Hall with a wooden floor to improve the facility for community activities. Two is to hold four cross-community meetings or workshops to increase our understanding and respect for one another's traditions. Workshops On Thursday 16th November in the Lecture Hall St Johnston a workshop was held on Presbyterianism introduced by Reverend Brian Brown. On Thursday the 23rd November there will be a workshop in Carrigans Hall and the topic is the Church of Ireland which will be introduced by Canon David Crooks. On Tuesday 28th November in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre the topic of Roman Catholicism will be introduced by Rev Dan Carr. Meetings will begin at 8.00 pm and close at 9.00 pm. There will be a cup of tea at the close of each meeting. The format will be a short introduction and explanation of the denomination or Church. How it governs its affairs and members will be discussed as also its form of worship. The respective Minister or Rector or Priest of the denomination will introduce this and then there will be an opportunity for questions and comments. There will be an exploration of areas where more understanding is sought and then a general discussion. We hope that you will come and share your interest, curiosity and your own spirituality. Please come and bring your friends. St Baithins NS Well Done to the boy and girl teams who travelled to O Donnell Park some weeks ago to take part in the INTO mini sevens Gaelic Competition. The boys played three very tough games and were unfortunate not to have a victory. The girls put on some fine displays of football also beating Murlog and narrowly being defeated by Illistrin. Violin lessons have been taking place at St Baithin's National School with the pupils of Fourth Class commencing lessons with well-known tutor, Karen McLaughlin. These lessons will run throughout the year. Youth Project St Johnston and Carrigans Youth Project are holding a Homework Club Trip on Thursday 23rd November 2006. It will be a swimming trip to Lisnagelvin Derry. We depart from the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre at 3.00 pm and we return to the centre about 5.30 pm. The cost for the trip is 2 Euro and please bring this with you on the evening. Don’t forget to bring your swimming gear with you to school as we are leaving when school finishes at 3.00 pm sharp. There is a consent form available for parents or carers to sign to let you go. The Plaza An afternoon Tea Dance will be held in the Plaza Buncrana on Sunday 26th November 2006. Music will be by the country boys and dancing is from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm with cabaret including line dancers, River Dance and guest singers. Tea and sandwiches will be available. Everyone is welcome. This dance will be run on every second Sunday from now on. This is a great fun day for senior citizens and everyone who loves dancing. Great fun and great exercise. We encourage people from the St Johnston and Carrigans area to attend because the Plaza drew lots of people from the area in the past for social activities. Stepping Stones On the 2nd of October this year Stepping Stones playgroup held its AGM. The committee is forever thankful to the parents and the community for their support and help with our fundraising without which the playgroup would not be able to operate. The past year has been very successful in gaining financial support which we feel has been put to great use. Our biggest commitment this year was the purchase of two new computers and printers for use in the playgroup. These have already been in use and have brought great interest and joy to the children. The committee at present is awaiting word of a grant application that was made in June which if successful will go towards buying new blinds and a bigger fridge and an outdoor shed. We also hope to buy some indoor toys and replace some equipment if we receive enough funds. Recently the playgroup has extended their hours from 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm. The playgroup prepared for Halloween well and had many good celebrations of the festival. Stepping-stones closed on 27th October at 1.00 pm and has reopened on Monday 6th November. AGM The St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre invite you to their Annual General Meeting in the Resource Centre, Chapel Road, St Johnston, on Wednesday 8th November 2006. This provides you with a chance to join the management committee or to learn new things about the centre or make suggestions. Everyone is most welcome and refreshments will be provided. Parents! Are you a parent with a child or children aged from birth to five years in the St Johnston and Carrigans area? Lifestart Lifford invites you to an information session on the Lifestart Programme. The session will also have displays and information available on Nutrition – by Dietician, Immunisation – by P.H.N., Car Safety by McClay’s of Stranorlar and Arts and Crafts by parent/facilitator. This is an opportunity for you to see our project and better understand the work that we do in the community. Come and enjoy a cup of tea while you get to know us. The date is Thursday 9th November 2006, Time 7.30 pm 9.00 pm. Venue Lifestart Lifford office beside the Cineplex in Lifford. Please contact Linda 074 9141609 for further information. REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT OUTREACH SERVICE Are you six months unemployed, a lone parent, a woman/man in the home, in receipt of disability/invalidity payment or a dependant partner of a long-term unemployed person. Are you looking for work, training or education opportunities? If the answer is yes then the Regional Employment Service has a range of services, which will help you on the road towards employment. Having access to all state and community agencies we can help you apply for education, training courses and jobs. The following are among some of the services we offer: Put together a professional C.V. Fill out application forms. Prepare properly for your interview, Provide access to emerging job opportunities, Provide access to training and education opportunities, Detail the advantages of taking up employment. All you have to do is ring 074 9128010 and make an appointment with the Outreach Officer - Mary, and she will arrange to meet you in the Resource Centre, St. Johnston. The RES is jointly supported by ICTU and The Donegal Local Development Company. Monreagh National School Welcome back to Mrs Kerry Harris after her maternity leave. We congratulate her on the safe arrival of baby William. Thanks to Mr Nigel Morrow for teaching the Junior Classes in Mrs Harris’s absence. We wish him well in his teaching career. The children enjoyed an educational trip to Roe Valley Country Park in early October. Madeline Coyle the distinguished storyteller came to the school to entertain the children with various stories. We appreciate her visit. Thanks to Letterkenny fire brigade for giving a useful talk on fire safety. The children enjoyed wearing the fireman’s hat and exploring the fire engine. An Ulster Scots Workshop was held in Letterkenny Museum and allowed the children to dance and learn about kilt making. _________________________- |
Monday, 24 October 2005
ST JOHNSTON CARRIGANS LOCAL NOTES Events in Centre Theresa Dowd’s Dancing Class is on Mondays at 9.00 pm finishing at 11.00 pm. Beginners Class will be starting on 7th November from 8.00pm to 9.00 pm. Irish Dancing is on Tuesdays at 5.30-7.00 pm. Bowling will be held on Fridays. We would encourage people to come along to these activities and enjoy the craic. Pamper Yourself We at the St Baithin’s Parent’s Association think it is time that the ladies treated themselves. With that in mind, we have decided to hold a “Pamper Yourself Night” to raise funds on Tuesday 8th November 2005 at 8.00 pm. This will take place in the halls of St Baithin’s National School. Just what is a Pamper Yourself Night you may ask? Quite simply it is exactly what it sounds like, come along and pamper yourself. Get yours nails manicured or even a hand massage, get your hair done or advice about hairstyles that suit you. Someone will be there to give advice on beauty products. You can even buy some things on the night. With Christmas just around the corner this will be an ideal opportunity for those little stocking fillers. The tickets cost €5.00 each which is very good value for a night of pampering. Each family will be given two tickets simply send the money for the tickets to the school with your child. A Pamper yourself night is a great chance for you to meet other parents or just to have a laugh and a cup of tea! Tell all your friends and family that tickets are available at the school or from the Parent's Association. Table Tennis On Mondays at the Resource Centre we are having table tennis for fifth and sixth class and first and second years at secondary school. Fifth and sixth class are in from 4.30 to 5.30 pm and first and second years are in from 5.30 to 6.30 pm. You get the chance to practice and we have competitions. There are no prizes but plenty of craic! Stepping Stones Playgroup The Annual General Meeting of the Stepping Stones Playgroup took place on Tuesday 4th October at 8.00 pm. The meeting was well attended and a new committee was elected. Good luck to the new committee and a huge thanks to those who retired from the Committee of last year who worked tirelessly for the good of the children of the playgroup. Stepping Stones Playgroup (Committee, Staff and children, parents etc) have been sponsoring twin boys aged seven years in Dajheeling in India for the past two years. Their photographs are displayed above the blackboard in the wet room. Their names are Phrashant and Prashant. They live in very poor circumstances in India. Since the playgroup started sponsoring them they have got into better health and are attending school on a regular basis. Their father died from AIDS last year leaving their mother to bring up the boys and other family members on her own. We got in contact with the boys through a nun, Sr Brid, from our diocese who is out in India doing missionary work. She regularly brings news of the boys to us and takes cards and gifts to the boys for Christmas and their birthdays. The sponsorship fee for the twins is €100 a year. The money we sent them last two years ago is done now. We only send the money when it is requested by Sr Brid. I want to ask the parents, to give your children a couple of 20 cent a week for these boys to make their lives a wee bit easier. The playgroup closed on Thursday 27th October at 12.00 noon for the Halloween holidays and will reopen on Monday 7th November at 9.20 am. The photographer will visit the playgroup on Tuesday 15th November to take the children’s photographs at 9.45 am. All children will come to the playgroup on that day to have their picture taken and if any parent has a younger child at home whom they want to have in the photographs please bring them along also. Community Hall Killea Community Hall is running Set Dancing. This is sets not classes. They will be run on Saturday 15th October from 9pm to 12pm. The cost is €5.00 or £3.00 sterling including supper. Monday, 17 October 2005 ST JOHNSTON CARRIGANS LOCAL NOTES CE Project The St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre, Chapel Road, St Johnston, Co Donegal, wishes to recruit one Information Technology worker to work with the community to help them use the computers, One Childcare worker, one youth worker, one environmental worker, one support worker for older people. The support worker for older people works with other staff to organise the Lunch Club and Social Evenings and to help with Meals on Wheels. These jobs are under the Community Employment Scheme run by FAS which is designed to help unemployed people back into employment, give them some self-confidence and provide some training. FAS conditions apply. Please contact the Resource Centre 074 91 48551 for Job Descriptions and Application Forms. Closing Date for completed application forms is Thursday 20th October 05. The Scheme benefits the St Johnston and Carrigans community in so many ways. Parent’s Association The St Baithin’s Parent’s Association will be holding a “Pamper Yourself Night” on Tuesday 8th November 2005 at 8.00 pm. This will take place in St Baithin’s National School. The tickets cost €5.00 and are available at the school or from the Parent’s Association. A Pamper Me Night gives you the chance to come along and get your nails and hair done. A Pamper yourself night is a great chance for you to meet other parents or just to have a laugh and a cup of tea! Table Tennis On Mondays at the Resource Centre we are having table tennis for fifth and sixth class and first and second years at secondary school. Fifth and sixth class are in from 4.30 to 5.30 pm and first and second years are in from 5.30 to 6.30 pm. You get the chance to practice and we have competitions. There are no prizes but plenty of craic! Heading for Happy Relationships A six-week personal development programme for third and fifth years beginning on Thursday 24th October. We have five workshops at centre from 7.30 to 9.00 every Thursday and then to finish the project we’ll have a social activity. Contact John at the centre for more details 074 91 48551. Music and Storytelling Workshop Music and storytelling workshop for twelve to fifteen year olds. On Wednesday 19th October 2005 we are holding a workshop on music and storytelling. The workshop is open to anyone aged twelve to fifteen. The cost is free and you will be able to look at rhythms in music and the stories behind some songs. Come along and experience something completely different. Halloween Draw The playgroup is holding a Halloween Draw. This draw will be taking place on Wednesday 26th October at 11.30 pm in the playgroup. Prizes are first prize a hamper. The second prize Bottle Novelty Wine Holder. Third prize is a bottle of wine. The lines are available now from the parents or in the businesses in the town. 25 Card Drive There will be a 25 Card Drive to support the work of St Johnston Social Services in Maggie’s Tavern 074 91 48318 Carrickmore, St Johnston. It will be held on Friday 14th of October at 9.00 pm sharp. The entry fee is €20.00. The prize money is 50% of total entry fees. Please come along for this entertaining and fun evening. Community Hall Killea Community Hall is running Set Dancing. This is sets not classes. They will be run on Saturday 15th October from 9pm to 12pm. The cost is €5.00 or £3.00 sterling including supper. Tuesday, 31 May 2005 Heritage Group The Heritage Group met in the Resource Centre on 24th May 2005. The Group is taking the summer break and meetings will resume in September. We meet on the second last Tuesday of the month and the next date will be 20th September 2005. The Website is currently being created and if you have any suggestions or photos that you would like to see on the website which covers past present and future and which is devoted to the St Johnston and Carrigans Community we would like to hear your suggestions. Please call 074 91 48551. Heritage The St Johnston and Carrigans area is in a part of Co Donegal marked by having many of the surnames that are believed to be typical of the county. Some examples would be Friel, Bradley, Coyle, Carlin, Coll, Magee, McBride, McDaid, McLaughlin, McNulty, Sheils, Ward, Gallagher, Duffy, Diver, Gillespie, Gormley, Doherty, McAteer, McFadden and Shiels. Most of these names are derived from Gaelic surnames. It is unfortunate though that the St Johnston and Carrigans area of which the Parish of Taughboyne consists doesn’t have records that go back further than 1843 to get a better picture of what surnames came and went in the area. However, none of the Roman Catholic parishes in the Raphoe diocese seems to have looked after records very well until after the parish of Templecarn (Pettigo) started making sure records were preserved. This parish has the oldest existing records dating from 1836. Dolphin Dancing Dolphin Dancing Disco will be held at the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre on Saturday 25th June. For under tens the times are 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. Under sixteen years from 9.00 pm to 10.30 pm. The cost is €4.00. Everybody is welcome and there will be a tuck shop. Summer Playscheme The St Johnston and Carrigans Playscheme this year begins on Monday 18th of July and runs right through to Friday 29th of July. The playscheme is open to all children and young people in the area aged 3 to 17. Your child must be registered for the playscheme. Fee €10.00 per child €20.00 for family of two or more. There will be additional costs for some trips during the Playscheme, please see programme for details. Programmes are available from the Resource Centre. Registration days and times, St Johnston Carrigans Family Resource Centre. Tuesday 7th June to Friday 10th of June. 9am to 10 am. And then in the afternoon from 3 pm to 4pm. On Tuesday 7th June and Thursday 9th of June from 7.00 pm to 9pm. In the Carrig Inn, Carrigans registration will take place on Wednesday 8th June from 6pm to 7.30 pm. Men’s Group On Sunday 12th June 2005, the Men’s Group will hold a Trip to Arranmore. It will be a walking and sightseeing trip. They will be leaving the Centre at 10.00 am for 12 noon ferry returning on the 17.30 pm ferry. The price is €10.00 for the ferry. Transport is to be arranged. Please have your name in the Resource Centre by 7th June 2005. Job Club The Job Club will start in the St Johnston Carrigans Family Resource Centre on Wednesday 22nd June 2005. The Job Club brings together unemployed people of all ages who are looking for work. The Job Club staff will be able to advise you on local employment and training opportunities and will aim to steer you in the right direction towards a job or training suited to your skills and abilities. It starts at 10.30 am and finishes 2.00 pm daily. It ends on the 19th July 2005. Membership of the Job Club is voluntary, free and totally confidential. Training will be given in CVs and letter-writing, employment equality awareness, career and training opportunities, targeting and sourcing jobs, interview preparation and techniques, basic computer skills, talks from support agencies such as FAS, RES, VEC. An allowance of €20.00 per week will be given for out of pocket expenses. A further contribution will be made towards participants costs where appropriate. Contact Lareina or Eleanor at The Job Club on 074 98 58959 or Mary at the Resource Centre on 074 91 48551 or call into the Resource Centre and leave your details. Job Club is an initiative of Donegal Local Development Co Ltd and FAS. Photographs There is an exhibition of old photographs of interest to the St Johnston and Carrigans Community in the entrance hall of the Resource Centre. The photographs that were brought to us were copied on photographic paper and many of them are in colour. There is a fishing category, Resource Centre category, miscellaneous category and local landmarks category. Please come and see the exhibition any time. It is still not too late if you wish to have some old photographs copied and entered in the exhibition. ICA The June meeting of Taughboyne ICA has been changed from June 8th to June 15th and will take place in the Cairn Visitor Centre, Greencastle. Anyone wishing to join and members will be very welcome. For details please contact Fiona McCrabbe on 074 91 45294. No meeting will take place in July or August. Meetings will resume on Wednesday 14th September. __________________- Monday November 7th 2005 ST JOHNSTON CARRIGANS LOCAL NOTES Derry Set Dancers A night of Set Dancing at Killea/Nixon’s Corner Community Hall will be held on Saturday 19th November 2005 dancing from 9.00 pm to 12 midnight. Admission is £3 or €5. Supper is included. This is a Derry Set Dancers Presentation. Monreagh NS A tea and coffee afternoon and Cake Sale will be held in Monreagh Manse. This event is to support Monreagh National School. It will be held on Saturday 12 November at 2.00 pm. Please come along and help support the school and have some craic! Website Thank you to Comhairle Leabharlainn and Donegal County Library’s Taoibh Tire project for their recent help in finalising preparations for the community website. The url of the website will be published in these notes in the near future when the website is complete. If you would like to contribute an article about life in the St Johnston and Carrigans area some years ago, old photographs or make any suggestion we would like to hear from you at 074 91 48551. St Baithin’s Pupil and staff representatives from St Baithin’s NS travelled to Sligo in October to receive their award of Excellence in Primary Science in the Radisson Hotel. William Mitchell, Ciaran Gillespie, Dale Gibson, Claire Kinsella and Jessica Southwell represented St Baithin’s at the Ceremony. St Baithin’s were one of three schools in Donegal to receive the award. St Baithin’s boys team travelled to O Donnell Park in October to take part in GAA Mini Seven’s Competition. The team put up a fine display in both their matches, being narrowly defeated by the Gaelscoil and Woodlands NS. The girls’ team travelled to Mac Cumhaill Park last Tuesday. They had a fine victory over Drumkeen NS and were narrowly beaten by Castlefinn. A very successful Maths for Fun programme has been running for the last four weeks in fifth class. A big thank you to all the parents who helped during the last four weeks. Thank you to all the parents of Junior Infants who turned up at Sugradh Le Cheile morning in October. Both children and parents had a very enjoyable morning. First Class Maths Programme. First class have commenced their Maths Attainment through Home Support Programme. This programme will run for a period of eight weeks. A big thank you to the parents who gave of their time and skills to take part in the story sacks programme. The sixth class Fun with Words programme ends this week. Both parents and children greatly enjoyed this very worthwhile experience. PUBLIC MEETING There will be public meeting on Wednesday 9th November in the Resource Centre. As Christmas approaches and due to new regulations that have been imposed by the government, the cost of putting up the lights and the cost of the electricity in the villages of St Johnston and Carrigans last year was approximately €5000. as there is no funding for this expense the Resource Centre now feels that it can no longer supply this service alone. A public meeting is being held in the Resource Centre on Wednesday November 9th at 7.30 pm to allow the community to discuss whether they want the lights to continue and if so how we can raise funds to cover the cost. Please come along and give your view on how you would like this to continue. The Christmas lights will not go ahead this year if there is no response to the meeting. Events in Centre Theresa Dowd’s Dancing Class is on Mondays at 9.00 pm finishing at 11.00 pm. Beginners Class will be starting on 7th November from 8.00pm to 9.00 pm. Irish Dancing is on Tuesdays at 5.30-7.00 pm. Bowling will be held on Fridays. We would encourage people to come along to these activities and enjoy the craic. Forever Crafts Forever Crafts which is the local St Johnston and Carrigans craft group invites you to an evening of Homemade Christmas Crafts by local people. This will be held on Saturday November 12 2005 from 4.00 pm to 9.00 pm in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre, Chapel Road St Johnston. Admission is free and everybody is welcome. The members of the Craft Group will have all the items they have been making available for sale. This includes Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, jewellery, cross stitch, decoupage, long stitch, painted glass, original paintings, and much much more. Please come along and browse along the tables and have a coffee with us. Forever Crafts meets in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre every Tuesday. Charity Sale A Charity Sale will be held on Saturday 19th November in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre. The proceeds are in aid of the Donegal Hospice. Donations of books, toys, bric a brac, soft furnishings, pieces of furniture, home baking, toiletries, flowers, clothes in good condition, and other items will be gratefully accepted. Also donations of new items for our ticket stall will be more than welcome. To arrange a time for collection or drop off donations please call Irene on 074 91 48165. Admission is Adult One Euro and Children is free. Time 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Door prize will be held. Pamper Yourself We at the St Baithin’s Parent’s Association think it is time that the ladies treated themselves. With that in mind, we have decided to hold a “Pamper Yourself Night” to raise funds on Tuesday 8th November 2005 at 8.00 pm. This will take place in the halls of St Baithin’s National School. Just what is a Pamper Yourself Night you may ask? Quite simply it is exactly what it sounds like, come along and pamper yourself. Get yours nails manicured or even a hand massage, get your hair done or advice about hairstyles that suit you. Someone will be there to give advice on beauty products. You can even buy some things on the night. With Christmas just around the corner this will be an ideal opportunity for those little stocking fillers. The tickets cost €5.00 each which is very good value for a night of pampering. Each family will be given two tickets simply send the money for the tickets to the school with your child. A Pamper yourself night is a great chance for you to meet other parents or just to have a laugh and a cup of tea! Tell all your friends and family that tickets are available at the school or from the Parent's Association. Table Tennis The St Johnston and Carrigans Youth Project is holding Table Tennis on Mondays at the Resource Centre. For Juniors, that is for fifth and sixth classes, it will be held from 4.30 to 5.30 pm. For Seniors that is first to third years, they will be in from 5.30 to 6.30 pm. You get the chance to practice and we have singles and doubles competitions. There are no prizes but plenty of craic! Community Hall Killea Community Hall is running Set Dancing. This is sets not classes. They will be run on Saturday 15th October from 9pm to 12pm. The cost is €5.00 or £3.00 sterling including supper. |
A few things have been organised for the next 3 months, starting off with Go-Karting, Paintballing and finishing with a game of bowling and a meal for Christmas. But, and this is a big BUT, this can only happen if we get the people to go on these events and that is where YOU, the men of this area, come in. So if you are interested in Go-Karting for October, drop your name in to the Centre with €10 deposit. Looking forward to hearing from you! Women’s Group The Women’s Group continue to meet on the first Thursday of every month in the Playgroup of the Resource Centre. There are a few things organised for the coming months, glass painting and palm reading - these still have to have the dates confirmed. There also is an outing organised to “Junction One” the new shopping centre in Antrim, on Saturday 20th November, we will be leaving the centre about 9am spending the day at the centre and returning to St.Johnston around 6pm. We may stop on the way home for a meal in the ELK, but this is yet to be confirmed. There will be a charge of €10 per head for this outing and if you are interested in going please contact Carol at the centre on 074 9148551 or let her know at the next meeting a deposit of €5 will secure your place on this trip. This will be open to everyone so if you want to ask a friend please feel free. Forever Crafts The local craft group continue to meet in the Old Playgroup building every Tuesday between 12noon and 2pm. This lively group are always on the lookout for new ideas and have recently spent the day visiting areas in Northern Ireland that have set up craft businesses and connections with local crafters, one of which allows anyone with a skill of craft the opportunity to sell to the community through a local shop in Ballycastle. The ladies of the group are now involved in beading, among many other things, and have produced some lovely pieces of jewellery for their friends and families and some of them have been able to sell a few pieces. It is the group’s intention to have an evening on the 6th November where members of the local community will be invited to come along to see and purchase items for sale that have been made by the group. It is intended that most of the items will be for Christmas however there may also be items that could be bought as Christmas presents. Keep an eye out for posters for more information. Monreagh School Welcome back to all our pupils. A special welcome to Reece Duncan starting in Junior Infants and to Jade McGlinchy coming from Ballougry School. Trips The children visited Letterkenny Library on Friday 10th September to choose their individual books for the term. On Friday 17th we went on an educational trip to Glenveagh National Park. The children enjoyed a range of activities including a nature trail, games and art. We were lucky to have lovely weather and there was not a midge in sight! Upcoming Discussions are in progress to provide extra space in the school which will be required for next September. Consideration has been given to acquiring a temporary prefab or renovating the adjoining residence. Cake Sale A cake sale and tea evening will be held in Monreagh Presbyterian Manse on Friday 22nd October at 7.30pm in aid of school funds. Everyone welcome! The school will be closed on Wednesday 20th October for music in-service. The mid-term break will be from Monday 25th to Friday 29th October. Foyle Brownies are starting again on Wed 6th Oct 04 from 6.30—7.30pm in the Resource Centre. Brownies are open to all little girls aged 6—10 years of age Swimming A swimming programme is beginning on Tuesdays for young people aged from 9 up to 17. Please contact John with for details of dates and times. Everyone is welcome to sign up for the programme. Young Leaders Programme We are currently recruiting participants to take part in a Young Leaders Programme beginning on Tuesday 5th October. This is open to anyone aged from 16 to 25. A few places are left. Contact John for further details. The Wheels Project We are running this project again beginning on Thursday 21st October. This is a Driving Skills Awareness Programme and is a useful tool in helping people to pass their driving and theory test in a relaxed and friendly environment. Contact John to book your space. The Project is open to anyone aged from 16 to 21. Steering Group We are looking for interested people who would like to be part of a Steering Group for our Youth Project. The Steering Group is for people who have an interest in issues affecting young people and in how we can be more effective in our work with young people. You would have constructive input into the direction of the youth project and be part of a group that would make sure that we are on track. The Steering Group would meet once every 4 to 6 weeks so that would be the commitment you’d be expected to meet. If you are interested in being part of the group, please contact John. Wednesday, 01 December 2004 ST JOHNSTON AND CARRIGANS LOCAL NEWS Christmas The Resource Centre will be closed for the Christmas break on Wednesday 22nd December to Tuesday 4th January. We wish everybody a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2005! Newsletter The parish newsletter will soon be available in the local shops. If there is anything that relates to the community of St Johnston and Carrigans you are welcome to phone or drop it in to the Resource Centre. We accept photographs that relate to the community as well. We invite submissions from all sections of the community, Church and Chapel events, community groups, and from the local schools. Castletown N.S. Our annual Fireside Quiz was circulated recently. The topics this year were well-known proverbs and singers/groups. Our thanks to the sponsors of our prizes. Mac’s Mini Mart, Gibson DIY, and the Meat Joint. All the pupils had a very enjoyable and educational day out to Derry on 19th October. We visited the Marine educational Centre at Riverwatch where we learned all about the fish in the River Foyle and experienced the Touch Tank from Exploris in Portaferry. Next, we had a very interesting visit to the Maritime Museum, where we had a few spooky tales told to us. Finally we walked the city walls. Our thanks to Matthew and Betty Graham who welcomed the Senior Class to their well-stocked Museum on 18th October. There were so many interesting artefacts and the children were fascinated by this blast from the past. The Senior Pupils are currently enjoying a four week session of football skills by Kickstart. On Monday 15th November as part of National Science Week the pupils attended a Chemistry Magic Show at LYIT. As part of our Christmas celebrations, the pupils will be putting on a music and poetry performance in school on Thursday 17th December at 11.00 am. All parents are welcome to attend. All the children will be going to the Millennium Forum on Tuesday 21st December to see a production of Peter Pan. We are all looking forward very much to that. Taughboyne ICA The programme for the Taughboyne Irish Countrywomen’s Association for the rest of 2004 to Summer 2005 is Christmas Cake Decorating with Florence Roulston took place on 8th December. 12th of January will see the Marble Hill Soaps event with Maria McGee. 9th February is Bowling night. 10th of March Andrew Cape will present Simple Simon Says. On 14th April Mimm Patterson will teach Yoga and Relaxation. The Annual General Meeting will take place on the 11th of May. 8th June the Mini-Outing will take place. ICA Meetings are held in Killea Parish Hall, Main Street, Carrigans at 8.00 pm on the second Wednesday of every month. On Wednesday 8th December the Guild returned to Killea Parish Church Hall on Main Street, Carrigans, which has been extensively renovated. All women are welcome to come and watch Florence Roulston demonstrate Christmas Cake Decoration. The meeting begins at 8.00 pm. Taughboyne ICA would like to thank Monreagh Presbyterian Church for the use of the Manse for the October and November meetings. In October Adeline Russell spoke of her work with “Operation Christmas Child”. The November meeting had an American theme. Sylvia Craig described her tour this summer, taking in The Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco and much more. The Committee provided a Stars and Stripes Supper. Men’s Group The Men’s Group meet on the first Tuesday of every month and will meet on Tuesday January 4th in the New Year. We will be looking for ideas for activities for the coming year, the group does what the members want to do. The group is open to all men over the age of 18 in the St Johnston and Carrigans area and you are welcome to join at any time. We have had two successful outings, one at the GoKarting in Letterkenny on the 23rd of October when a group of “boy racers” joined in a 15 kart Grand Prix with many claiming to have won the race. We also had a great day on the 20th of November when a squad of recruits went Paintballing at the Old Foundry in Letterkenny, although we took many casualties and used up a lot of ammo, a good day was had by all. For our Christmas night out we will be going to Arena 7 in Letterkenny for a meal and a game of bowls. This is booked for Saturday the 18th of December meeting at 6.30 pm at the Resource Centre. Transport will be arranged according to need. Stepping Stones The Stepping Stones Playgroup is holding a fireside quiz for Christmas and the prizes are First Prize, Tin Biscuits, Second Box Sweets, Third Selection Box. Draw will take place on December 22nd at the Christmas Party. The children are getting ready for Santa’s visit and are very excited. St Baithin’s NS AGM The Annual General Meeting of St Baithin’s NS was held on Tuesday 10th of November. There was a very good turn out on the night. The out-going committee decided to continue for another year and wished to thank all the parents for their continued support throughout the year. St Baithin’s NS first opened its doors in 1980, which means that the school will have been opened for 25 years in 2005. We would like to mark this in some way and would welcome any help or suggestions from anyone on how we should celebrate this occasion. We will hold meetings to discuss any plans and anyone is very welcome to come along. If you are interested in getting involved in marking the 25th Anniversary of the school please contact the school for further details of when meetings are being held. Women’s Group The St Johnston and Carrigans Women’s Group meet the first Thursday of every month in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre at 8.00 pm. We hold meetings which include subjects that everybody enjoys. On Saturday 20th November we had a bus trip to the new “Junction One” complex in Co Antrim. We decided that many more women than just the group would like to go so we opened it up to anyone who wanted to come along. In the end fifty-one people (including the drivers) enjoyed an afternoon of shopping around the centre. The trip was not just about the shopping though, we all had a great time and enjoyed a meal in the “Oakleaf” on the way home. Time out for ourselves no matter what form it takes is important for us all. We had a meeting on the 2nd December for our Christmas night where we all contributed to the eats and drinks for the evening and had a little music and enjoyed the craic. Our Christmas night out is being held in the “Fir Trees Hotel” Strabane on the 11th of December. Anyone who has paid their fees, €12 for the year, can join us for this great evening of fun and games. We will then have a break for the holidays and meet back on the first Thursday in February, when we are having a demonstration of flower arranging by Anna Robinson and Elizabeth Craig. Further meetings will need ideas from the group and I would appreciate any ideas that anybody may have for the future. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome to come along to any meeting at the Resource Centre or telephone 074 91 48551 and talk to Carol or leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as she can. Computer Suite The computer suite in the St Johnston Carrigans Family Resource Centre has been updated to Windows 98 and Office 2000 which means that the computers will work faster and be easier to use. A scanner is available and allows you to email images of your photographs and documents to anywhere in the world. All the computers are linked to the Internet which many people of all ages in the community are finding very interesting and useful. Email allows you to contact the other end of the world in the twinkle of an eye! We have programs for doing posters and cards, programs for doing your letters and documents and CVs. We have programs for databases and for spreadsheets. If you are doing a computer course anywhere, then why not drop in and practice? We have a program for learning typing called KAZ which many people are finding to be of great assistance. Patrick our IT worker is available to assist the public in using the computers. We hope to have theme mornings in the Computer Suite, not classes but little programmes to give people a taster for the internet or even digital photography and photo editing, creating slideshows or anything you want to do. Please drop in your suggestions to the Resource Centre if you are interested and what you would like to do. At night you can work on your own if you have a good knowledge of computers and if the suite is available. Please book for nights with Carol or Mary at (074) 9148551. Donegal Local Development Company The Rural Resource Worker Garvan Connolly with Donegal Local Development Company (DLDC) is available to provide information and advice on various agricultural schemes and social welfare entitlements for farming and fishing families. Garvan will also be available to provide information on other services provided by the DLDC such as Enterprise Start Up, Community Development, the Leader+, and National Rural Development Programme, CLAR, Community Based Youth Initiative, Job Club, Job Initiative, and the Regional Employment Service. The service offered by Garvan is free and confidential. For further information please contact Garvan at (074) 91 27056. We feel that many families in the St Johnston and Carrigans area could benefit from this service because the fishing and farming industry is so much a part of the region. President’s Award The President’s Award is a programme open to young adults aged from 15 to 25 who live in Ireland. It is a national challenge award from the President of Ireland. It is not a competition but you decide what challenge you want to take on and the programme gives you the support you need. The plan involves four areas, Community Activity, Personal Skill, Physical Activity and an Adventure. You can take part in a physical activity, do something to help your community, learn a new skill and get a bronze, silver or gold award. The Personal Skill part can involve computer skills, playing a musical instrument, photography or film work, and Arts and Crafts. The Physical Activity can be swimming or Yoga but there are no rules. The Community Activity might be Conservation or Sports Coaching. The adventure could be Sailing or Cycling. You can chose whatever personal skills or activities you like and these are only suggestions. For more details contact John at the Resource Centre. You must be at least 15 to participate in the Bronze level, at least 16 for the Silver level, and at least 17 for the gold. Kildrum Tigers Kildrum Tigers FC, Christmas Draw will be held in the Fisherman’s Inn, St Johnston, on Saturday 18th December 2004. The tickets are €10.00 each and the first prize is €1000.00, the second prize is €500 and the third prize is €250. The fourth prize is €150. The tickets are currently being sold in the area and we would appreciate your support. Heritage Subgroup The Heritage Group for the St Johnston and Carrigans area was set up in the Resource Centre on Tuesday 26th October 2004. We had a successful meeting on 23rd November 2004 at 8.00pm in the Waiting Room of the Health Centre, Resource Centre, St Johnston and we would like to thank all who came and contributed to the meeting. The next meeting will take place at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 18th January 2005. The purpose of the Group is to put together a plan and hear suggestions about how we should preserve the history of our area and put the plans into action to keep our local heritage alive. We are interested in hearing about and perhaps seeing historical items, pictures of the area from times gone by, stories and anecdotes about life here. The emphasis for the moment is on preserving the history of fishing along this part of the River Foyle. Special editions of the newsletter will be created using the information gathered. If you would like to get involved in the group then please come along. If you are interested in having old photographs copied into a computer so that they can be preserved forever or in simply writing down memories of the past or being involved in get-togethers in which items of historical or photographic interest to do with the locality are on display then please leave your name at the Resource Centre (074) 9148551. It is easy for us to copy your photograph and use the computer to erase cracks and stains from old photographs so that the copies look new. If you would like to help form and become part of the group or help the work of the group in any way you are most welcome. Perhaps some old photographs could be uploaded into a website dealing specifically with the history of the St Johnston and Carrigans area. Remember that the permission of the people in the photographs or the owners may be needed before we can work with them. A bit of History! From the Heritage Group, The River Foyle and its tributaries, the lesser rivers adjoining it, has from time immemorial been able to rival the best fishing regions in Europe with sea trout, grilse and especially salmon being in abundance. We can almost visualise our Neolithic ancestors along the river banks in their crude boats catching fish. Many parts of the area along the river look as if they were untouched by humanity and can take us back to a day when the human presence was not as obvious as it is now. But we can be sure that a good fishing area would have attract people to live in the area in those days so they would have had many little villages close to the banks of the rivers. Even during the Bronze Age which lasted from 2000BC to 500BC this would have been the case. The people would not have gathered in this locality for bronze or metalworking industry but for the richness of the land which provided their food and the river which provided their fish. The richness of the fishing season would have helped many survive the great famine of 1845-1849 that would have otherwise died with the failure of the potatoes. Despite the aeons old fishing history of the area there is no doubt that in the early 1840’s housing and literacy levels in this area were poor. However when the famine struck it was doubtlessly the River Foyle that kept the rationing comparatively low for this part of Donegal from with about 15-30% of the people seeking Famine Relief. This percentage got its increase from the higher number of people with difficulties outside the fishing season. The St Johnston and Carrigans area contains many marks of the three Main Scottish plantations both in names of areas in the place, Dundee which Ard Baithin used to be being named after Dundee in Scotland and also in local idioms and there are many similarities between the accents. Sometimes the original Irish names for an area were close to the names of places in Scotland so the Scottish simply renamed the area after the place or town in Scotland that sounded similar. During the Plantation times, between 1550 and 1610 most of Donegal was home to Scottish settlers. Some of Donegal was home to mixed settlements of English and Scottish. But the richness of the land and the rivers was an incentive to most of those people to come here. The peak of the salmon fishing season on the River Foyle roughly corresponds to the summer and a special rule was brought in for a bar licence for a premises along the river to cover 23 hours a day, just one hour of closing time! The bar is Lynch’s down the shore lane at Carrickmore which is presently a house and which was nicknamed ‘The Congo’. Please come along to our next meeting Tuesday 18th January 2005 at 8.00 pm. Mobile Library The Donegal County Council and the Western Education Library Board have launched a new mobile library service which will come to St Johnston every Friday from 11.10 am to 12.10 pm. It will park in Ard Baithin Housing Estate from 11.10 am to 11.40 am and then in the Main Street St Johnston from 11.40 am to 12.10 pm. The mobile library service will be available in Carrigans from 1.50 pm-2.50 pm every Tuesday. This service is open to everyone. Please bring a form of identification with you so that you can be given your membership card for this service. A letter with your name and address on it will suffice Family Information Mrs Patsy Kavanagh (nee Duggan) would like to know if any of our readers could help her with information about her ancestors. Her great grandfather Neal Duggan married Mary McGinty in St Baithin’s Church on the 9th September 1860. She writes, “My grandfather their son was called John and he came to Belfast and married my grandmother. There was another brother of my grandfather who was baptised Thomas on the 6th October 1863 at Drumoghill, Manorcunningham. I don’t know if any other children were born to my great grandparents. A common name in our family is John, Daniel, Thomas and Patrick. Maybe that might help somebody find out something about my family.” Please email any information you have to Craft Group The Craft Group is having its Christmas Night out in Harry’s Bridgend on Tuesday 14th December. Please contact the St Johnston Carrigans Family Resource Centre at 074 91 48551 if interested. The St Johnston Carrigans Craft Group continue to meet in the Old Playgroup building every Tuesday between 12.00 noon and 2.00 pm. Everyone is welcome to come and join in. Please come along for an evening of learning, fun and good ideas. New members are sought and are most welcome and if you would like further information or wish to join please contact the Resource Centre. There are opportunities to learn new things so don’t worry if you would like to take up a craft that you know little about for there is help available that will let you learn at a pace you are comfortable with. The ladies of the group are now involved in beading, among many other things, and have produced some lovely pieces of jewellery for their friends and families and some of them have been able to sell a few pieces. The Group had an evening on the 6th November where members of the local community came along to see and purchase items for sale that have been made by the group. There were many items that were bought as Christmas presents. For a trial period we are running a class on a Wednesday evening to give anyone who can’t make it during the day a chance to join in. Anyone interested can come along to the St Johnston Carrigans Family Resource Centre between 8.00 – 9.30 pm. Bring along any craft you may be doing or come along for ideas on what you might like to do. Foyle Brownies Brownies are open to all little girls aged 6—10 years of age. New members are most welcome. The Foyle Brownies will resume after the Christmas break on Wednesday January 19th in the new year. Foyle Brownies will continue to run on Wednesdays from 6.30—7.30pm in the Resource Centre. Swimming A swimming programme is beginning on Tuesdays for young people aged from 9 up to 17. Please contact John of the Youth Project (074) 9148551 with for details of dates and times. Everyone is welcome to sign up for the programme. Steering Group We are looking for interested people who would like to be part of a Steering Group for our Youth Project. The Steering Group is for people who have an interest in issues affecting young people and in how we can be more effective in our work with young people. You would have constructive input into the direction of the youth project and be part of a group that would make sure that we are on track. The Steering Group would meet once every 4 to 6 weeks so that would be the commitment you’d be expected to meet. If you are interested in being part of the group, please contact John at the Resource Centre. Volunteers Needed! Do you have good reading and writing skills? Can you spare two hours per week? Why not train to help an adult improve their reading and writing skills and make a real difference? An Initial Tutor Training Course will be run by the Donegal Vocational Education Committee in the Raphoe area and we would like people from the St Johnston and Carrigans area who are interested to take part. Please contact Ann at (074) 91 45336. Parent and Toddler Group St Johnston and Carrigans Parent and Toddler Group holds its Tuesday meetings in the Old Playschool Building from 9.30 am to 12 noon. The group is for parents and guardians with children from birth to preschool. Come along and enjoy a chance to meet up with others while your children have fun playing and learning with others of a similar age. Please bring a small lunch/snack for your children if required. Tea or coffee will be provided for adults. Pilates and Keep Fit Classes The Weekly Pilates Class is held every Tuesday in the Resource Centre from 7.00 pm to 7.45 pm. Pilates is a mind and body exercise that strengthens and tones and also promotes energy and vitality—for all ages. Every Wednesday Keep Fit Classes will be held from 7.30 – 9.30 pm. These classes are called 15.20.15 Classes because they involve 15 aerobics, 20 kick fit and 15 body conditioning activities. These classes are fun and all are welcome. Dancing The Irish Dancing Class continues on a Monday night from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. After that Old Time Dancing will be held from 9.00 – 11.00 pm also on Monday nights. Bowling The Bowling Class is held on a Friday evening from 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm. Regional Employment Service Are you looking for work, training or education opportunities? If you have been registered as unemployed for six months or if you are the dependant partner of someone who is long-term unemployed, a lone parent, or a person in receipt of disability or invalidity payments the Regional Employment Services is there to help you on your way into employment. The service is free, and confidential and community based. Some of the services we offer include helping you put together a professional CV, fill out application forms, help you prepare for interviews, provide access to emerging job opportunities. The service can give you advice on obtaining funding if you wish to engage in further education. The Outreach Officer, Jean Winston/Mary Higgins, comes to the St Johnston/Carrigans Resource Centre on the first Friday of every month. The times are from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Ms Winston/Higgins can be contacted at (074) 9128010. Adult Guidance The Donegal Adult Learner Guidance Service is a free and confidential service that can offer you help and support in exploring the educational options that are available to you and to help you decide what steps to take next. We aim to help those in the community who wish to improve their education and explore their career opportunities. Our priority is to help those who feel they did not do so well at school. We will provide you with many services. One is information on what is available – courses, funding, support, childcare etc. Another is guidance and advice in deciding what is right for you. Assistance in taking the next steps to get into what you want to get into and explore a range of career opportunities and learning options. Support for you in applying to courses for funding and in following the best career path for you. If you would like to return to learning or obtain information on all types of courses available: from those which allow you to explore an interest, skill or hobby to those courses which will get you a qualification, you can contact Amanda Slevin the Community Guidance Support Worker on (074) 9148488. Email Amanda is in the Centre Mondays and Tuesdays. On Wednesdays from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, Mairéad McFadden, who is our Guidance Counsellor will be in the Resource Centre. Please call (074) 91 48488 if you would like to avail of this service. The service is available in the St Johnston and Carrigans Family Resource Centre on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. “Don’t put your education on hold, act now!” This service is part of the Adult Guidance in the Community Project. The Adult Guidance in the Community Project is an initiative of Donegal Adult Learner Guidance service, under the Adult Education section of Co. Donegal VEC and is funded by Peace and Reconciliation. FÀS Net College FÀS Net College enables you to do business and computer courses through the Internet. Examples of courses are E-business, Bookkeeping and Taxation, PowerPoint and Team Working. The Resource Centre is equipped for the Net College and registration forms are available in the Computer Room. The cost of each course can vary between €60 and €120 and you can have an online tutor for extra cost. The courses are available by using a password on any Internet friendly PC and are available 24 hours a day so they are completely flexible. Driver Theory Test Attention all new drivers! Take some of the hassle out of the compulsory Driving Theory Test. You can now practice for your Driving Theory Test in the computer suite in the Resource Centre. The program, called the DELG Driver Theory Test is available on all of the computers. The program is an excellent method for getting familiar with how the test works and how to pass. It is an excellent revision tool. There is also a capacity on the program for actually learning the theory. This allows you to guess the correct answer and does not let you proceed until it lets you know if you were right or wrong. People who have used this method of learning find it extremely helpful and more interesting than perusing manuals. If you would like to learn Theory for the test or simply to brush up on your knowledge of the rules of the road then please come along and try the program. Patrick is on hand to help you use the program. The wonderful thing about the program is that it takes away the nerves and lack of confidence that can mar any test. Library Facilities The library catalogue is now available on line on a computer supplied by Donegal County Library in the Resource Centre. Books, CDs, magazines can now be ordered and delivered to the Resource Centre from the Central Library in Letterkenny. You can also use the computer to check if a particular book you require is available in the library or if not when it is due back or in which library it can be found. You simply reserve the book and it will be brought to the Resource Centre for you. If you are not a current member you can register in the Centre. You will then be supplied with a library card that you will need to use the computer. If you are a member please bring your library card because you need your number on the card to access the catalogue. This is an entirely free service. Recycling Want rid of your bottles? Why not bring them along to the bottle banks at the Foyle View Filling Station (or The Quick Bite)? There are bottle banks for white, green and brown glass. There is a bank for metal as well. These banks are for items that can be recycled and recycling is a great way to handle waste and reduce damage to the environment. There is a bank for useable clothes too. The clothes will be passed on to charities to raise money for those in need. |