For the official opening of the
St.Johnston & Carrigans Resource Centre
By the President of Ireland
Mary Mc Aleese
on 9th May 2001
Contact number: Frances Browne 087 *******
3.45pm Ecumenical Blessing.
4.15pm President’s arrival time
Children from the four local national schools will form a guard of honour for
the President as she arrives into the Centre. They will be positioned on both
sides of the road leading to the centre.
The President will be greeted at the entrance by Mrs Nan Lynch, Committee
Mrs Nan Lynch will then introduce the Management Committee of the St.Johnston &
Carrigans Resource Group.
The President will then officially open the centre by unveiling a plinth with a
The president will be introduced to Health Board and public representatives in
the foyer of the Centre.
If the President wishes she can freshen up at this stage of the proceedings, or
continue with the tour of the Centre.
The pre-school playgroup will be in session and are eagerly awaiting the
President’s visit.
Mr John Mc Cartney, Centre employee, will announce the President’s arrival into
the main hall for the speeches.
The speeches will take place on the stage. Sound system and lectern will be
Before the speeches take place, a choir especially formed from the four Primary
schools will perform a song for the President.
Mrs Deirdre Browne, Group Treasurer, will do the introductions and welcomes.
Mr Paul Skinnader will speak on behalf of the Programme for Peace &
Reconciliation who are the main funders of the project.
Deirdre Browne will then introduce the President.
President Mc Aleese’s speech.
Mrs Mary Crossan, Vice-Chairperson will deliver the finishing speech and thank
Ms Sarah Higgins, age 7, will present a posy of flowers to the President.
Mrs Mary Crossan will then present the President with a Gift on behalf of the
Management Committee. (Art Piece)
A photo session will then take place in a designated area of the Main Hall.
Mrs Frances Browne will then accompany the President for a viewing of the work
of local artists, Marina Hamilton, Sammy Bovaird, Ann Quinn, Bridget Toland,
Fanny Mc Gee, Cheryl Rock and an exhibit of wood turning by the late Edward Mc
Daid. Also a celebration of local people and their achievements, Ms Bridie
Lynch, special Olympic gold medallist, will be present to meet the President.
Ms Kelly Grant, Harpist, will provide background music.
Frances Browne will then introduce members of local groups who are involved with
the centre to the president and will accompany her as she meets members of the
local community.
Refreshments will be served.
President Mc Aleese may wish to talk with local County Councillors, Minister
James Mc Daid etc.
Phonsie Browne, Committee Member, will announce the President’s departure.
List of
invited dignitaries
Minister of Tourism, Sport & Recreation
Dr. James Mc Daid.
Ms Cecelia Keaveney, Fianna Fail TD……… Sends her apologies
Pat the Cope Gallagher MEP ………………. Sends his apologies
Joe Mc Cartin MEP
Dana Rosemary Scallan MEP
Harry Blaney T.D. Ind. F.F…………… Sends his apologies
Donegal County Council Councillors
Gerry Crawford F.F…………. Sends his apologies
Dessie Larkin Ind. F.F.
Sean Maloney F.G. Chairperson of Donegal County Council
Jimmy Harte F.G.
Mr Pat Harvey C.E.O. North Western Health Board. ……..Sends his apologies. Dr.
Aisling Gillen, Asst. General Manager, Community Care. Will represent Mr Harvey.
Mr Michael McCloon County Manager. Donegal County Council ………Sends his apologies
Ms Ann Marie Cole will represent Mr Mc Cloon