Civil Survey 1654
The Civil Survey of 1654 inspected what it spelled as the Parish of Taboyne in the Barony of Raphoe. It spoke of Lord Aubigney Brittish Protestant who dominated the lands of Letterguill, Bellilenan, ffadiglas, Tillirap, Callachymore, Maymcor, Dumenan, Magevelin, Rattein, Cragdugh, Moymeen, Drumor, Cassill, Glassigowan, Kanykally, Cloghfin, Tonagh, moesse, Ardagh & Trentagh, Carrnesbanagh. These are townlands of the parish. Lettergull, Ballylennon, Craighadoes, Tullirap, Carrickmore, Classigowan, Momeen etc. He held these lands by inheritance from Sr. John Stuart first patentee and the lease they were under. "Taboine called St. Johnston", is one interesting quote from the document speaking of the village and its one bridge. It speaks then of Carrikin. It says, "There noe more houses of note in the barony of Raphoe save ye house of Magevelin situate on Loghfoile belonging to Lord Aubigney, in ye parish of Taboine. The soile is cold lying in patches intermixt with bog, heath, Mountaine, & some pts towards Loghfoile fennes most for oates, little for barley, & lesse for wheate reasonable pastorage for small Cattle of all sorts."