Taughboyne I.C.A.
From Strabane Lifford Notes Issue No 70, Wednesday October 26, 1983
Mrs Mary Murphy who was the guest speaker at our October meeting gave us several recitals from her one woman show, which is currently rehearsing for the Arts Festival. A vote of thanks was proposed for her most humorous renderings, by Mrs Sue McCauley.
The President, Mrs Marie Bryson, congratulated Mrs Mary McAnanie (sic) on the birth of a baby boy and Mrs Rena McClean on winning 28 prizes at the Coleraine Show and for reaching the Regional Finals in the Housewife of the Year Competition.
A rag doll was presented by the Guild to Mrs Maureen McLaughlin to raffle in aid of the Playgroup.
Arrangements were made for the Birthday Party to be held hopefully on the 16th November.
Members who are participating in the "Sponsored Slim-In" in aid of the local Social Services were weighed and decided to carry on for another month.
A very successful Bring and Buy Sale was held at the end of the meeting following a delicious traditional Irish Supper.
The competition for a Turnip face was won by Mrs Daphne Houston; 2nd, Mrs Mae McKean and 3rd Mrs Joan Mooney who also won the raffle.