St Johnston and Carrigans Donegal



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Mary Jane (Dugan) Ward and her family

James Quigley - died Battle of the Somme 1916

Mary Harrigan Feddyglass died 1975 at 99

St Johnston Improvements Committee - George Dunne turns on the Christmas lights

Dolly McCarron's First Communion

Paddy Coll Ard Baithin died 1962.  Shown on way to Mass

The McFadden Family with Annie and Mary Doran

Ard Baithin People from the 1950s

Mickey Sheils Cavanacaw

Sadie Gibson Peoples with friends and family

Workmen at the former railway line, St Johnston

Family of Laurence McDaid and his wife Nellie, nee Brown, 212 Ard Baithin

Ellen Baxter and Sadie Peoples and others

Lizzie Gillespie and Matt McConnell depicted, Main Street, St Johnston and much more

Happy old photographs, including Frank Hegarty and Josephine Peoples

John Coyle, Carrickadawson, Raphoe, in uniform

Cassie Peoples, Becky Tinney and Pearl Tinney Ard Baithin

More happy photos including Lexie Magee, Kathleen Ross, and much more

Group from 1953 - a photo from Sadie Moore

Inside the AOH Hall late 1940s

Alices Bar, Killea

Mickey Gibson marries Cathy Peoples 1973

The McNulty Family of Ard Baithin

Jennie Coyle married Neil McNulty

"Wee Pat" Pat O Donnell

At home in St Johnston and a band is playing

Becky Tinney and others from days gone by in Ard Baithin

A medley of Ard Baithin people

Gibson, Gallagher, Sharkey four men in Ard Baithin

Joe Bovaird marries Marie Gallagher

Pat O Donnell clipping

Eugene Crawford and Veronica Devine Hibernian Hall

The Pearsons of Craighadoes 1920's

Bella Ryan nee McBrearty

Hugh Gormley with bicycle and girl in shawl at chapel

Kathleen Matthewson late 1950's

Robert Gormley Craighadoes passport from 1948

Alice, Johnny McCallion and Paddy McFadden

The Carlin Family

Colm and Baithin Carlin Building a Boat

Rosaleen and Charlie Coyle

Eddie McBrearty and Maggie 1989 Golden Wedding

Photo of Local Woman from Victorian Times

Locals at Fermoy late 1960's

Couple in Photo - Bella Harrigan

Tinney Family of Ard Baithin

Diver family members - St Johnston

Group of People at Rockfield, St Johnston 1954

Sammy Bovaird and Friends

An image of a hearth from 1936 - a familiar sight then

Coll Family

Window to the Past

Nan Lynch nee Crumlish and Margaret Campbell nee Tinney and others

Nurse Rita Pearson

Dr White

Deirdre White actress who featured in z cars

Bertie Brown, Danny Rutherford and Barney McCauley  

Men's Initiative 2009 - Trip to Doagh Famine Village

Stone Deek Fishermen

Mary Houston - with her daughter Bridget

A Family from Long Ago

Joe and John Gibson and Dan Cassidy

Three men from some years ago!

Trevor and Bertie in the early nineties

1962, Frank, Hughie and Barney in Buncrana

Two soldiers - Irish Army 1942

Waterway Cleaners mid-1950s depicting Bernard McGee etc

Men and Boys on Tractor

Outside Toland's Shop

Violet Dillon and Hugh Mary Bovaird Wedding etc

Fanny Brown sacristan and others

Martha Gilchrist with Dillons and Gibsons and others

Childhood pictures from Craighadoes

Photo of Bob Gormley and a friend dating from the 1920s

Misc Photos 5

In Joes Bar

Oliver Duddy, Brendan Coll and Daniel Duddy

Rose Duddy Main Street married Pat French

Locals at St Eunan's College Late 1960's

Life in Ard Baithin 1

Life in Ard Baithin 2

Life in Ard Baithin 3

Maurice Toland 1994 scored for Finn Harps after just eight seconds

Local Men at Market Square, Letterkenny

Two Old Photos

Eddie McCausland

Ard Baithin July 1966

Lynch Sisters

Photos - The Gallagher Family

Photos - The Quinn Family

Photos - The Gibson Family

Photo from WW1 time with Sarah Gibson and her son James

Photo of Sarah Gallagher - mother of Sarah Gibson

Quinn Children at Drumucklagh 1926

Mysterious Woman

Misc Old Photos

Pics of St Johnstoners!

Toland's Corner 1954

Daisy Campbell and Friends

Misc photos from Donegal: Aran, Teelin, Mulroy

PHOTOS FOUND IN DERRY COLUMBKILLE A BOOK FROM 1899 - sadly there are no names

Aunt Mattie

Very old faded photo of a girl

Two elderly ladies

Woman in cloak

Glamorous girl

Lady in hat

Lady on bench

Seated lady and gent

Seated lady



Download The Laggan and its People by Mrs Campbell